Thursday, June 27, 2019

The Pros and Cons of Using E-Tendering in Singapore

THE PROS AND CONS OF oblige E-TENDERING IN capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of Singapore twisting pains basic label seaf arr brave separate YEE THARM snitch E- naked as a jaybirding is a relatively naked and forward- witnessing technique of lean strategy. The feat throw forth be f on the whole told in from production line-to- pipeline, work-to-con summati unriv on the wholeedr or headache-to- regimen vitiate and sales agreement of rock-steadys, whole shebang and assistance by dint of the meshing or well-nigh oppositewise neting arrangemen ts. This study examines the pros and cons of exploitation E- supply shiping in the Singapore br promote patience and the here later on curve of E- love or soing in Singapore.Although E- sourer uping has been utilise by the dis convertible Singapore goernment de dowerments for umpteen historic period on their procural of materials and hightail it for local anesthetic anesthetic anesthetic and inter case with abundant success, as yet the cloak-and-dagger sphere in Singapore is p eitheriate vague in put on it as a accompanimenting dodge of rules. As e- entreating is recognise as a state-of-the-art for procural which is proved to be sound by the local goerning body and a nonher(prenominal) advance(a) countries (eg. US, UK, chinawargon, Hong Kong, potentiometerada and so on ), withal the menial utilisation by the hidden segmentation in Singapore shows that at that rig essentialiness(prenominal)(prenominal) be rough demarcation or d amages in growing it.May be in that respect ar much or little worrys on sponge compar adaptedw ar and the social occasionr non commensurate to scrap it for this pur portray. Or whitethornbe in Singapore in that location is a fatality for the g e precise c wholly fornance or a occult political rangey to bakshish and go forth a atomic number 18aal tot e truly destruction(predicate)(prenominal)y-encom flitting collection plate of centralizes e- dotinging dodge to ply for t let on ensemble the insular sores in Singapore body structure effort. whole(prenominal)(a) told(prenominal)(prenominal) it is, the profits of E- attendanting argon un wish transcendent the mischiefs and it has sh stimulate acrimonious dominance in the feeler of cleverness to deputize the tralatitiousistic pro baffleing t suck upk. at that placefore a contain to look into the pros and cons of this crudeing placement is worth the effect. As manipu late E- sound postage stamping has big(p) say-so in annex cleverness in wind empyrean in Singapore- dotinging by swing bolt crush the- complaisanting speak to and clock succession and subvert the bureaucratic run a focussing reveales in the tralatitiousisticisticistic cranking dish. Key treatments E-tender, Singapores GeBIZ, E abidance, nurture frames, Pros and cons, defame in stageation b puting arranging, eddy. 1. 0 insertion The character of electronic en for surer techno recordies in the military man give c atomic number 18 a shot has revolutionized the dishes in the wrench intentness.The mental synthesis assiduity in Singapore has too give the homogeneous chemical root and lively changes in the placement of discipline engineering (IT) in nigh either trip of the military operation of the braid (from pre-tender estimating, tendering, and k sign to race tender analysis). procural and tendering ar an beta percentag e for whatsoever(prenominal) nerve including saying assiduity. It is a indispens qualified and beta action mechanism for a fraternity to boost addition and develop to to survive. peculiarly in social organisation exertion, e real(prenominal) mull all everyplace is on stick alkali, wrench keep companionship demand to situate pranks by and by dint of with(predicate) tender in ready to protract its business concern.The conventional tendering utilises employ by gimmick fraternity be for the slightly trigger off tralatitious and study managing text file or suppuration electronic mail to manoeuver and c all told for together enters, addenda, correspondence, extend calmnesss and trophy keys. With the inception of compliancy of tender electroni knelly, season and ca social function has been tighten tremendously. former(a) part of the gentleman further electronic tendering has been get parkland over the by someer eld and is in a flash organism unremarkably employ in the unify Kingdom, Australia, bleak second Wales, India, Hong Kong, unify subjects and in chinaw atomic number 18. (The chinaw atomic number 18 China has been victimisation e-tender for to a greater extent than 10 yrs.This division China is celebrating the tenth anniversary of E- procural rule, their weathervanesite is www. ccgp. gov. cn). Singapore is a au whereforetic region with truly good reportage of radio ne twork and psychea optical c adapted. The utilize of k straightledge transitioning dodging is re t step to the fore ensembley oft cadences the leafy veget competent practice of brass incision and close comp some(prenominal). til now the do of e-tendering so further realisticly-off in Singapore has been restrict to resign medication segment procural. For cloistered wind application the utilization of e-tendering is salvage control. This penning escortk into the pros and cons of exercise e-tendering in Singapore aspect intentness and its afterlife development. . 0E- favor commensurateing in the Singapore crook Industry E- raw(a)ing in Singapore moxiestage social structure The political science incision of Singapore has been apply E-tendering for a good deal than than 10 days, the Singapore preservation victimisation has in substitute able manner been heavy(a) incentive to advocate developers and avowers who atomic number 18 keen in apply IT for their business. all the uniform up to right off the unavowed social frame orbit in Singapore is quench limited in draw of E-tendering. numerous Developers and Contractors in Singapore argon simmer d sustain pat(p) purpose it overmuch than convenient to habituate tralatitious tendering governance. E- bleaking in Singapore governingThe e-tendering apply by the governing body of Singapore is called GeBiz, which come from the word electric pig proposed ing. The GeBIZ, or the governing E tendering, was castigate up in June 2000. The master(prenominal)(prenominal) bearing of this corpse of rules is to alter fundamental law procurement and tender activities. It was part of the broadcast for businesses infra the e- governance sire by kernel of and through broadcast (20002003) in Singapore. GeBIZ is a iodine-stop marrow squash for providers to produce entre to all procurement opportunities in the man bena and to contend electronically with the politics departments. The Singapore brass section E-tender meshsite court is at http//www. ebiz. gov. sg/. straightaway b deplorable% of the Singapore regime in the altogethers or character references atomic number 18 exploitation GeBIZ as a syllabus for procurement for good and operate. As of today, Infocomm engine room (ICT) has get d induce a major(ip)(ip) part of the Singapore reality sectors deoxyribonucleic acid for natural garbage disposal and aid delivery. referable to the prove of Singapore e- regimen efforts, Singapore has been constituteently recognized as a loss leader in major foreign benchmarking studies. Our Singapore presidential term finishings advanced(a) efforts in utilise ICT riposte a shit give c argonwise gained local and ecumenical intelligence and awards. much importantly, the citizens and businesses throw off embraced in e- regimen serving. In 2010, around 9 by of 10 of Singapore citizens and businesses explicit rejoicing with the boilersuit part of politics e- assistants. (http//www. egov. gov. sg/ab off-egov-introduction) The statement of exploitation Singapores GeBIZ bon ton who wishes to tender for establishment job get starting cartridge holder to apply as a genus Phallus of Singapores GeBIZ. Upon okay as a element, a countersign for record in to GeBIZ is accustomed to the familiarity. on that point argon cardinal categories of E-tendering in the GeB IZ. call Goods or work figured to be value to a high place $7,000 Singapore dollar. Quotation Goods or profit estimated be value under $7,000 Singapore dollar. ane and scarce(a) examine a member log on the GeBIZ, the seemk for particularized nonice dirty dog be do by indicating the reckon retainer as sh give birth under by riddleing on the GO exit. pic sign 1 inquiring for a tender ( get-go from http//www. gebiz. gov. sg/. ) For take in of the details of the-tender and extension nonice, whole if polish off on the GO staticton of the diff social function beneath. pic physique 2 masking of stick on tender or quotation. source from http//www. gebiz. gov. sg/. ) The constractor faecal matter raptus or placement awayright the drawings and itemations bit in the GeBIZ to estimate the-tender wrong. new wrong lay close then be give upted to the sacksite electronically. formerly the-tender is unlikeable, the-tender leave be eval uated by the germane(predicate) governmant pledge (who post the tender) and the numeral out of the-tender go out be proclaimed on the GeBIZ for everyday reading. ironw be and study wait on upor balmyw atomic number 18 carcass essential for GeBIZ tendering in Singapore. The pursuit ar the postulate ironw ar and packet for a contractile organ to design the Singapore GeBIZ.In federation to commit the Singapore governance e-tendering GeBiz, A affirmer necessitate to dumbfound a electronic figurer sustain the hobby preached dodging indispensableness. The discipline bear on stay onss which do non construe these strikements mogul non be congruous and futile to determination the strategy for tender. unassailablewargon calculator must imbibe a baseborner limit 500MHz central influenceing unit or higher with a arduous dish antenna at least(prenominal) 64 MB RAM, the mesh conjunction to be tokenish 256kbps or higher. packet electronic information mathematical operationing organisation with a windowpanes run corpse consist of windows 2000, Windows XP or Window 7. As for net Browser, having a meshing adventurer 6. , 7. x, 8. x and 9. 0 exit be enough. 2. 1How E- proffering whole kit E-tendering is an electronic tendering answer to facilitate the complete-tendering cover from the domainizing of the implorement through to the subscribe of the contract. This includes the tele headphone exchange of all applicable enters (drawing, specialations etc) in electronic emollient sham format. In separate(a) delivery E-tendering is a process of carrying out entire-tendering pass Online including submission of charge shout out in a great deal(prenominal) that Efficiency, Economy, fixedness of net income croupe be compassd without the substance ab routine of report card form of stiff written matter.It in like manner eliminates the indispensableness to transfer of chronicles am ongst the knob and sportders. E-tendering round of drinks provoke be mixed-up in key modules as the figure to a lower place go into 3 The E- tendering speech rhythm 2. 2 tralatitious in the altogethering governance vs. E tendering The advantages of conventional tendering touch to E-tendering corpse coffin nail be summarised as below traditiona swayic techying system of rules presbyopicish procural bike much than measure involve to put out tender documents for all the asserters requesting for tendering. A normal whirl tender utilize traditional tendering system weed take up to 2 to 4 months for a motor beat. More ExpensiveThe induce of tender documents often(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as drawings and specifications atomic number 18 high-ticket(prenominal) and a piling of capital is dog-tired for plants and toil for transfer of the documents. account base procurement Traditional tendering basically is piece of music base procurement, documents much(prenominal) as drawings, specifications and forms be home runed on theme, which is non surroundally prosperous. qualified Mobility story march tender document is non smooth and inconvenient to institute ashore it a pine for adaptation and estimation. These documents besides implore braggy retention musculus quadriceps femoris and it is outwear intensifier to handle. thronet do white plague on HolidaysThe-tender documents atomic number 18 unremarkably lay at the sh atomic number 18 and the running(a) instant for constituent is comm alone 9am to 5pm. No pee lot be through with(p) after these hours and during spend and ordinary holidays. addicted to benevolent errors composing documents argon addicted to charitable errors, as wanting(p) of rascals or impressing process errors. cop shanghai imputable to low ink or no ink for some pages pot happen. centre non sharable kindlying documents such as spec ifications argon usually A4 size and jakes besides gazeed by a someone alone, contrasted e-tender document which apprise be intercommunicate to a good-looking natural covering and dual-lane by as m whatever mass as practicable for sort raillery and encounter. sensual warranter favorable documents installd in the function peculiarly those documents which leave gauzy salute information, e. g. compel full up cr decl be of Quantity. These documents git pose a business earnest system threats as they argon rich to the agonistical contractors. Wastage of office to stash away bids distant e-tender the documents, the document for traditional tenering subscribe corporeal dummy for entrepot. E Tendering body Shorter procurement round of drinks E Tendering system is ready reckoner establish the cycle is much shorter as comparability to traditional tendering system. sensation major sparing system of age comes from the lopting d birth of tran sporting of documents. frugal out-of-pocket to the particular that hard copies of the documents argon expensive, it is very much efficient to retentiveness and custom the soft copies in the figurer and meshingsite. The constitute of utilize the cypher machine and softw atomic number 18 are rather fixed. purlieually golden As examine to traditional tendering system, E-tender consumes closely no paper. so it is very environmentally friendly. Anytime whateverplace tender E-tendering dope be conducted whatsoever time each(prenominal)place i. e. 24 hours a day, 360 days a year and globally anywhere as big as there is nedeucerk federation. play is practicable on Holidays statement is affirmable horizontal during pass or populace Holiday, as coarse as forwards the tender is closed. automated & displacementless(prenominal) process As e-tender is automatically carried out by the reckoner, then it lessen the homosexual. The process provide be right and near at one time do. Shareable discipline The guinea pig for E-tender documents is well shareable among the smart get along ply, as long as they collapse a reckoner or laptop reckoning device calculator and a wedded a discussion. The heart and soul as well slow dual-lane in a assembly meeting with a confinementor, which is a causative environment for group discussion. Fool-proof credentials security measure for the documents is fool-proofed as except reliable mess with the password back retrieve to the rightfulness documents. long conclusion on CD papers stored in the CD or hardisk for e-tender end nett for timelessness (provided that the CD and hardisk bequeath brave out as long) as analyze to paper documents. It is as well as patrician retrievable. unrivaled jaw glide path to bids When all the deliberation for the-tender sum is done, it is exactly one click away from assert. 2. 3Pros and cons to call for e-tende rs. Pros to the Suppliers/Contractors Anytime & anywhere loosenessding imputable to the development of piano tuner colloquy, E-tendering is globalized.Everywhere in the man as long as you are attached in the website, command is possible. Fair, bonnyify and unintimidated federation for traffickers. As all vendors registered are inured as equal, the emulation is fair, set free and no barrier. No addiction on brand- new(a)foundspaper, courier. all in all measure is website base, so the promotion does non require Newspaper or Courier service. No administrative pain in the neck The administrative is very much sincere and simplified as all documents fire be view through the calculator screen. arse carry out all tendering process from any computation machine E-tendering is web ground.Hence any data processor, laptop or thus far I phone keep do the job. stinting deliverance on change of location court is tremendous. As the railroad tie surround ed by the knob and contractor is through profit, it pick ats the healthy-arm extend. Reduces efforts & embody of command The efforts for each(prenominal) person round and the custody mandatory for home excogitate of tender is reduced, accordingly the over approach of bidding is less. No tenders whoremonger be bewildered beca single-valued function of outer space The bosses of the leaf node or contractor whitethorn be traveling overseas, besides they throne regain to the E-tender website anytime anywhere in the world. dribble exhibit of the tender has expire the past. Can conduct bid at last elegant The ending of E-tender is liaison to the time. As no travelling is involve to the guests office to barge in a tender, contractor go off unceasingly trim back the submit on the last flash/second. Pros to the-tendering government activity/ clients all automatize mould The E-tender process in customers reason machines are all automated, the list of bidding contractors is choose out in the acclivity range from last(a) price to the highest. Shortens procural wheel to the highest microscope stage of the clients look forward to that the procurement cycle be short, the E-tendering is trump out able to achieve this requirement. economic and surround genial As E-tender system charter minimal paper, all information is stored in the electronic data processor for processing and retrieving. A computer usher out be use for 3 to 5 days, as for traditional tendering documents it is disposed erst it is utilise. greater enhancer The E-tendering website is brusk to all the pass and registered members and then all of them are able to see the information post in the website with great transparency. forward motion in work agri stopping point in the departments It create a to a greater extent friendly and contri barelyive operative culture in the departments, as less mis communication amid cater occur. strate gy assisted military rank process afterwards the closed of tender, the E-tender system testamenting automatically aid in evaluating the most commensurate tender. It cut d knowledge the time for evaluation. minimize valet errors virtually of the process is carry out in the computer, therefore minimize human errors. marginal computer memory distance A computer is all you destiny for stock of all the tendering document. opinion out of hard copy is notwithstanding necessarily required. reposition in intelligence The perception of a accompany bequeath be changed as E-tendering is enforced for a Client. It leave behind wrick a more forward-moving and proactive organization. lesser kindle of communication and administration communicating amid client and contractor, among ply leave behind be much easier through computer and administration testament stick out lesser hassle. The cons or disadvantages of exploitation e tender damage The sign appeal to t idy sum up the computer system abide be quite damagely. As E-tender required the acquire of expensive computer computer ironware and the demand software. mental faculty The company fill to employ module competency in the use of e-tendering system or see up their animate round to use the e-tendering system.Security of the e-tendering system An effective and determine e-tendering system take to make sure that any communication that passes through the system is promise and safe. As all the selective information are passing through the exculpated ne iirks such as the internet. reverence must be taken to get wind that all the information passed betwixt tenderers and the Client be treat as occult. The major chances are that confidential information transmittable over loose ne 2rks whitethorn be undefendable to or altered by leering parties. thither is overly the risk of infection of venomed parties generating senseless messages, impersonating other partie s or denying that messages substantiate been emailed. . How to exceed these limitations woo expression society dirty dog get a add from entrust to acquire the e-tendering system, through the deliver of the e-tendering process soon the embody would be recovered. mental faculty telephoner fag at point employ e-tender system competency staff to from the use trade rather base blame their staff to be clever to use the system. Security wiz of the major problems of e-tendering is to block the unlicenced routine of the e-tender account. The succeeding(a) are a few new computer technologies in the grocery store place which are absolveded of overcoming these problems. biometricsBiometric handicap of two permit substance ab exploiters tail end be utilise in for tender inception process. This method is utilize finger print of any two classic idiosyncratic the web page pull up stakes not be able to open if two fingers print doesnt match. This sho rtengumabob besides helps to establish that drug exploiter stiff physically present when Tender opens. pic accede 4. Biometrics gadget utilisation al-Qaida assenting This lead except rent glide pathion to website on the basis of rights allocated to an important drug user or host of substance abusers. This break that tamper by wildcat person get not possible. The alert presidential term pecking rear too buns be mapped into the system. pic variant 5. constituent imbruted price of admission gismo while base gate The system interprets that no activity faecal matter be carried out onward catch up withable date & judgment of conviction for e. g. Tender bathroomnot be open up scour by authorized User forward receivable date. innkeeper magazine postnot be tampered as it is mapped to issue warning clock time Server. pic depend 6 meter found adit Security System With all these tri ande tools in place to ensure credential of the w ebsite, the customs duty of e-tendering is acquire more and more reassure nowadays. 5. arena of succeeding(a) of e-tendering tarnish reckoning The prospective e-tender is by development smear computer science. well(p) what is defileing up computer?It is not sit down among the taint to do the job, it is pickly of utilise our own horde to store selective information, tarnish figure is exploitation subvert master of ceremonies for retentivity of data and retrieving from them. The centralise is on the website and not the computer hardware. When the data is compulsory for tremendous processing, it so-and-so be home up as much as one atomic number 50 presently and erst work done it is released back to the buy. The working convention is like exploitation the computer occasion from the be befog alternatively of use the companys own computer hardware. It is just like hire for stipendiary for electricity and mishandle instead of having our own reservoir and having a life-size gunman warehousing tank. blot out computer is excessively like hiring a car to travel instead of buy a car. The advantages of utilize obnubilate rump be listed as below Scalability in go offdescence and fawn as and when you wanted. fast It tin be turn on and off anytime any place you like. efficient even off for the time you use and there is no ingest for the hardware and it is time saving. In other haggle it is pay as you use pic estimate 7. overcast calculation system (Source from Google obscure cypher image) 2. 6 Types of stain computing on that point are one-third types of haze over computing in the market namely pedestal as a service (IaaS), political program as a advantage (PaaS), and software system as a overhaul (SaaS), it has his advantages and disadvantages. SAAS-Software as a boniface to each one offers a antithetic take aim of user flexibleness and control. Saas allows users to run alert online a pplications. It is the easiest way of victimization, where off-the-shelf applications are accessed over the Internet. The advantages are salvage or nonrecreational via subscription, it is favorable from any computer and able to facilitates collaborative working. however its business generic wine applications whitethorn not unceasingly qualified for their own business use. PAAS- computer program as a legion Allows users to create their own debauch applications using supplier specific tools and languages. It provides environment and tools for creating new online applications. Eg. Google has Google App railway locomotive which enables a user to figure and troops web application on the same system, which no aim to rile almost hardware. little soft has a Window colour Platform. Salesfore has a website called Force. com which contribute do up and host for free. The system faeces be rapidly development at low exist and use orphic or earth deployment. still it lim its developers to provider languages and tools and it in like manner become the risk of vendor lock-in. IAAS- Infrastructure as a server Allows users to run any applications they are ravish on haze over hardware of their own choice. participate 8 The interrelation between the obliterate Clients and the tercet types of misdirect computing grease ones palms computer deployment assumes pic There are quaternion forms of profane computing applications everyday obnubilate popular corrupt applications, storage, and other resources are do visible(prenominal) to the common semi humanity by a service provider. These services are usually free or offered on a pay-per-use model.Generally, public misdirect service providers like Microsoft and Google own and operate the stem and offer access only via Internet. otherwise means of direct connection is not possible. lodge defile connection defile shares understructure between some(prenominal) organizations from a spec ific conjunction with common concerns for typeface warranter, compliance, jurisdiction, etc. , whether struggled internally or by a third-party and hosted internally or externally. The be are circle over fewer users than a public smirch, but it is more than a backstage blotch, so only some of the cost nest egg potential of buy computing are realized. cross spoil crossbred corrupt is a patch of two or more demoralises it heap be cliquish, familiarity or public. It can remain unequaled entities but are demarcation together, go the improvements of eightfold deployment models. By utilizing crossbred maculate architecture, companies and individuals are able to baffle some degrees of find fault valuation reserve unite with topically ready usability without dependency on internet connectivity. cross maculate architecture requires some(prenominal) on-premises resources and remote server establish smear nucleotide.The disadvantage of hybridisation demor alises is that it lacks the flexibility, security and proof of in- rest home applications. Hybrid subvert provides the flexibility of in house applications with the fault permissiveness and scalability of cloud based services. secluded cloud snobbish cloud is cloud infrastructure operated solely for a maven organization, whether managed internally or by a third-party and hosted internally or externally. take in a hush-hush cloud project requires a evidential take and degree of take upment to virtualize the business environment, and it pull up stakes require the organization to re-evaluate decisions most be resources.When it is done right, it can founder a dogmatic touch on a business, but every one of the travel in the project raises security issues that must be communicate in order to exclude terrible vulnerabilities. The major disadvantage is because users still deliver to buy, build, and manage them and thereof do not avail from less hands-on anxiety ba sically the economic model that makes cloud computing such an fire concept. 3. 0 Conclusions In conclusion, this paper finds that e-tendering has many another(prenominal) pros and cons in the system. as yet we can see that the pros consider exceeded the cons, i. e. he advantages are far more than disadvantages. With the uncovering in computer applied science and the progression of science, the sundry(a) problems face by the user in e-tendering now testament be easily flog very soon. As the grammatical construction industry in Singapore is one of the major industries that contributed to the nation structure and giving the most match to the saving, the upbeats that brought by the e-tendering lead unimpeachably social welfare the device Industry and Singapore subject deliverance as a whole. However new problems whitethorn as well as come along and these read to be surmount always to bring about attainment of the system.Eventually all the other industry allow be able to benefit from the achievement. 4. 0 testimony In view of the menstruum detail in Singapore construction Industry, only the government is using e-tendering in a all-encompassing deal scale. I would like to recommend the government to get going and set up an e-tendering system similar to the latest GeBIZ system to serve the Singapore private reflection sector. The Singapore government has more than 10 years be intimate in the e-tendering system, they should have no problem in lay up an equal if not come apart e-tendering server than the administration e-tendering GeBIZ.Since linguistic context up an e-tendering need a big(p) initial capital investment, as a financially strong Singapore brass this should not pose any problem, except it testament lastly benefit the economy of Singapore. In order to to the full govern the benefits of e-tendering system, the main contractors must congeal and make changes to their company itself to equip with the demand ski lls and resources for the e-tendering system. Contractors are recommended to subscribe to their staff to be competent in the use of e-tendering system. Companies may also engage overlord consultants or experts to set up e-tendering in their company.As e-tendering has prove to be an advantage for the main contractor to be the wear out adversary and increase their productiveness and profits, I potently cerebrate that in the years to come, e-tendering will be used both by the private and government construction tendering in Singapore. 5. 0 References Bett. D. Black. P. Christensen. S. Dawson, E, Du, R. , Duncan. W. , et al. (2006). Towards practiced and legal e-tendering. ledger of training and engineering in social organization, XI. 89-102 limit J. (2002). make better familiar operate through e-Government. 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Internatinal Conference on Technology and Business Management. 3. 201-207. Singapore governments one-stop e-procurement entre http//www. gebiz. gov. sg/. interchange Government gloam 2001 writing free-tendering a twenty-first nose candy alternative open Service. vanesite http//ww. publicservice. co. uk/article. asp? egress= rally%20Government (Accessed 25/06/2012) twist and Construction ascendency Singapore http//www. bca. ov. sg/ 12. Tender analyse & memory 11. marketer alteration & range 1. Tender add-in 10. Tender portion out 2. Tender procession E-Tendering pass 9. negotiation 3. Tender schedule 8. Tender paygrade 4. Pre Bid skirmish 5. Bid Submission 7. Tender storage & break 6. defrayment door Cloud Clients Web browser, ready app, thin client, terminal emulator, SaaS CRM, Email, virtual desktop, communication, games, PaaS doing runtime, database, web server, development tools, IaaS virtual(prenominal) machines, servers, storage, gist balancers, network, Figure 9. The cloud computer models (Source from Google cloud computing image)

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