Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on The Fellowship Of The Ring

that aren’t used much anymore, that really grabbed my attention and were fun to read. I think that’s a key part in making this book fun and exciting to read. One suspenseful action scene was when e... Free Essays on The Fellowship Of The Ring Free Essays on The Fellowship Of The Ring The Fellowship of The Ring J.R.R. Tolkien This book takes place at the end of the previous book The Hobbit. It does not take place directly after the book but rather many years after when Bilbo’s young nephews grew up. Bilbo did not have any children of his own; he adopted one of his young nephews by the name of Frodo Baggins. He took care of Frodo as if he was his own and they had a very good relationship. The protagonist of this story is Frodo. The antagonist of this story is a great evil leader by the name of Solron. Many years ago he was a great leader and was the most powerful thanks to this powerful ring. In a great battle vs. man Solron was slain and the ring was taken by the man who slain him. The ring turned many faces and many people turned on their masters or leader and became corrupted by the ring. The ring turned good people to bad. After people killing each other for the ring it ended up in the hands of a small hobbit by the name of Bilbo Baggins. It was pasted down and given to his nephew Frodo. Gandalf returned to the shire to talk to Frodo. Gandalf had a great adventure to send Frodo on. The adventure was to take a ring that had great powers and destroy it. This was a very dangerous task but without even thinking it over Frodo agreed. Frodo would not take part in this journey alone he had help from Sam, Merry, and Pippin. Their journey would begin and they headed off and away from the shire that has been their home for so many years. On their journey down the great road they saw a Dark rider, riding a big black horse. These were the dark riders set out to find the ring and whoever would be in possession of it. They would stop at nothing to get the ring. Frodo would see these dark riders for the rest of his journey. The journey was long and allowed them to meet great people along the way, most of the people offering help in some way. The first great person they meet was Tom Bombadil. They meet Tom while crossing ... Free Essays on The Fellowship Of The Ring I have read and analyzed J.R.R Tolkien’s book The Lord of the Rings-â€Å"The Fellowship of the Ring†. Tolkien creates a mystical world called middle earth with his wonderful imagination. His degree in language helped him create an entire written language called â€Å"Qenya† witch is spoken by the elves. The Fellowship of the Ring was written as the first of three books made to be sequals of the book Hobbit. Tolkien thought the Hobbit would appeal to children, and was published as a children’s book. The Fellowship of the Ring starts in the Shire (in Hobbiton where the hobbits live). During the first few chapters it introduces characters not in Hobbit such as Frodo, Pippen (Paragrin), Mary (Maridock), and Sam (Samwise) who are all hobbits. Later more main characters come in. Aragorn a human Ranger from the north, Legolas an elf from the woodlands, Boramire a human from Gondor, and Gimly son of Gloin a dwarf are all introduced near the beginning. They form a fellowship of nine, including Gandalf the grey, a powerful wizard. They are set out on a journey to destroy the all powerful ring forged by the dark lord Sauron, before he gets it and covers all the land in sick and darkness using its powers. Frodo is the ring barer. Tolkien makes this book extremely exciting using select word choice and wonderful dialog to really put you in the shoes of the characters. Suspenseful action sequences and heart wrenching disasters make this book exciting and fun to read. Tolkien also grabs readers by the interesting names and titles of the people and places mentioned in the book. Another exciting key in The Fellowship of the Ring is the hobbits inner strength to endure the evil of the ring. Many words used in this book were new to me, old words that aren’t used much anymore, that really grabbed my attention and were fun to read. I think that’s a key part in making this book fun and exciting to read. One suspenseful action scene was when e...

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