Monday, September 30, 2019

Information About Strategic Teaching, Strategic Learning and Thinking Skills Essay

Teachers, whether brand new to the classroom, or veterans of many years of service, are always looking for ways to make what they do more effective and more efficient. That even goes for students in teacher preparation programs, as well it should. Efficiency is a measure of what is obtained (results) in relation to what was expended (resources). Effectiveness is a bit more elusive. To be sure, effectiveness in anything, including teaching, can be difficult to describe and to measure. The following is a discussion about some fundamental principles that may lead to actual improvement of instruction. Please read on. In order to use any instructional technique effectively, anyone who teaches must, of necessity, understand the fundamental principles and assumptions upon which the specific technique is based. There is certainly no shortage of descriptions or labels for activities that may be classified as pertaining to instruction. From the ever-popular lecture method to complex student-teacher, student-student interactions, instruction encompasses a broad range of teacher behaviors. At one end (the lecture method) the teacher is an imparter of information, and the students are the intended recipients of the information the teacher imparts. At the other end of the range of teacher behaviors are methods in which teachers interact with students in vastly more complex ways. Most researchers and experts in the field are in agreement that the most permanent and meaningful learning takes place at this end of the range. Strategic teaching, and, concomitantly, strategic learning are techniques in which significant student-teacher interaction and resultant learning and thinking are at the high end of the scale. To learn strategic teaching techniques, and to foster the ability of students to engage in strategic learning, it is important to define some terms. In fact, one of the principles of strategic teaching is to define terms. Below are terms that are relevant to this process. Strategic teaching describes instructional processes that focus directly on fostering student thinking, but goes well beyond that. Strategic teaching and strategic learning are inexorably linked. A strategic teacher has an understanding of the variables of instruction and is aware of the cognitive requirements of learning. In such an awareness, comes a sense of timing and a style of management. The strategic teacher is one who: 1. s a thinker and decision maker; 2. possesses a rich knowledge base; 3. is a modeler and a mediator of instruction. Variables of instruction refer to those factors that strategic teachers consider in order to develop instruction. These variables, as the name implies, change, and therefore the teacher must be aware of the nature of change as well as the actual variables themselves. These variables are: 1. characteristics of the learner; 2. material to be learned (curriculum content); 3. the criterial task (the goals and outcomes the teacher and learner designate); 4. earning strategies (goal directed activities in which learners engage). In teaching content at the elementary, middle, or secondary level, the strategic teacher helps guide instruction by focusing on learning strategies that foster thinking skills in relation to the content. In connecting new information to what a student already knows, learning becomes more meaningful, and not simply retained for test-taking purposes. There are numerous strategies that teachers can develop that accomplish this purpose. To give one information is not difficult, but to help one be able to develop the tools to both know what information is relevant and the means to acquire it, is perhaps the most important function of any social studies teacher. There are numerous techniques for engaging students in thinking about content. Besides thinking skills, there are such practical matters as how best to present a lesson on weather, teaching map and globe skills, helping students work together in groups, how to question effectively, and how to answer student questions. The first and foremost criterion is that the teacher thoroughly know the content, the second criterion is that the teacher have a set of rules for classroom management that are understood and implemented, and the third criterion is that the teacher have the resourcefulness and knowledge to rehearse unfamiliar techniques, and more importantly, have the capacity to adjust any lesson plan to maintain academic focus. Many of these tasks are learned on-the-job. Nothing you can learn in any course is more valuable than learning what to do when you don’t know what to do. When you can do that, you are well on your way to becoming a great teacher. Strategic Learning Strategic learning is, in effect, a highly probable outcome of effective strategic teaching. Reduced to its essentials, strategic learning is learning in which students construct their own meanings, and in the process, become aware of their own thinking. The link between teaching, thinking, and learning is critical. As a teacher, if you are not causing your students to think about what you are presenting, discussing, demonstrating, mediating, guiding, or directing, then you are not doing an effective job. You must be more than a dispenser of information. You must create conditions and an environment that encourages thinking, deepens and broadens it, and which causes students to become aware of how they think. The process of thinking about how we think is referred to as metacognition. In helping students create knowledge, it is useful to think of knowledge as occupying space that can be thought of as a pyramid. At the bottom of the pyramid is declarative knowledge, or knowledge of â€Å"what is. † Declarative knowledge is akin to awareness. One step up on the pyramid is procedural knowledge, or knowledge of â€Å"how something works, or functions. † At the top of the pyramid is conditional knowledge, or knowledge of â€Å"when or why† a particular procedure will work. Conditional knowledge is closely related to the predictive function of knowledge. When students develop a broad and deep system of conditional knowledge, they are able to predict more accurately, solve problems more efficiently, and in a sense, are more free because they can identify and articulate more options from which to choose. Strategic learning is a valuable system to help your students develop conditional knowledge. Content Connections The creation of knowledge is, in the most practical and profound sense, a primary and direct result of learning. As teachers, we must strive to assist our students to develop intellectual tools by which they can create knowledge. Any knowledge, once created, becomes a part of a larger system that enhances learning and is capable of integrating and accommodating new information with greater efficiency and reliability. Each person creates knowledge in similar, yet uniquely distinct ways. Connecting information provided or described by others in novel and personal ways is a key to learning and developing knowledge. The more one â€Å"knows,† the more one can know. The idea of content links or connections is not exactly new, but offers some unique opportunities to chart your own course, learn, and add to your knowledge system. Enter the idea of Constructivism. Constructivism is a philosophy as well as a psychology of education. Constructivism is about how knowledge is created.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Explain the Impact of the Stanford Prison Experiment on Psychology and Behaviour Essay

The Stanford prison experiment ,led by professor Philip Zimbardo, was aimed at seeing the effect on people on becoming prisoners or prison guards. The idea was to see what happens to people when they are put in relatively ‘evil’ places. Do the people themselves become evil or is there no net effect? The results indicated that in fact people adapt to their role exceptionally well. It was observed that the prison guards became overly tyrannical to the level of sadism. In consequence the prisoners were seen to be under severe stress to the extent that they became crazy or depressed. 24 volunteers were selected that had no psychological problems, health issues or any past crime accounts. They were brought to a mock prison set up in the basement of the Stanford university’s psychology building where they were randomly assigned to be prisoners or guards. 3 prisoners each were given rooms that they had to live in for 24 hours of the day and the guards were given 8 hour shifts to work in. The study was observed upon using cameras and microphones. They study was supposed to last for 14 days but had to be halted after 6 days due to extreme unethical practices in the prison. The Stanford prison experiment showed us that human beings alter to the situation they are put in. The guards won total control over the prisoners who blindly followed orders. All of this in just 5 days of experimental conditions. Zimbardo said that the prisoners had internalised their roles and thus continued to participate in the experiment on their own will. One example of this is when they introduced themselves to the priest with their serial number rather than their real name. Another example would be of the prison consultant who took on the role of an autocratic head of the parole board. After the experiment was over he was said to be disgusted at the person he had become. In essence there were two groups created among the volunteers, therefore, according to social identity theory ,people in the in-group would exhibit in-group favouritism and a sense of discrimination of the out-group. This can explain the unanimity between the guards themselves and their certain dislike towards the inmates. To further build on this ,the idea of the prison guards being a group may evoke the feeling of anonymity, which would allow the guards to be more free and aggressive as they could shake off responsibility for their actions. This is called deindividuation theory. It may be a cause of the violence occurred on the prisoners by the guards as there is a diffusion of responsibility. The Self-fulfilling prophecy states that when a person is given a label we often live up to that expectation. In the same way ,as the volunteers were given labels, they tried to live up to that expectation and thus acted in the way they thought they should. Furthermore it can be said that the volunteers had set stereotypes on the idea of a prison guard and prisoner. It can be assumed that these stereotypes illustrated the prison guards to be strong and authoritative. It could also be an illusionary correlation made by them through watching films or through media (which means that they attribute the behaviour of the prison guards to their disposition rather than situation :FAE). The theory of cognitive dissonance can also be used to understand why the prisoners and guards acted this way. They had to alter their mind-set(attitudes) to match with their behaviours so that there was no tension in their self identity. The situation put the prisoners in certain set roles that they tried to live up to and thus they changed their behaviour. This experiment along with Milligram’s shock experiment demonstrates the fundamental attribution error which says that there is a overestimation of dispositional factors and under-estimation of situational factors when we attribute. It changed the way we looked at psychology in a socio-cultural aspect. This experiment has helped us understand how good people do bad things such as the torture of Iraqi prisoners in the Abu Gharib prison, which was a real life example of the same results obtained by Zimabardo. It was also used to investigate matters such as prison riots and abuse of juveniles in many prisons. Young adults are also known to be power hungry. Their lust for power might have changed the way they would have normally behaved. The prisoners were made powerless and thus started to behave in such a way. They became depressed ,helpless and unstable. Thus it can be said that power also affected their behaviour. In relation to gender I believe that there would not have been much difference in the experiment as people, male or female, tend to have similar schematic processing when it comes to social perceptions of a certain group or individuals. If conducted with only females it is more likely that there would have been lesser violence as it has been researched that testosterone, which is much more predominating in males, is a cause of sexual arousal and aggression. Culture would not affect the behaviour as everybody needs some power in their life and if power is stolen from us we tend to become unstable. Lastly, it can be argued that all the volunteers of the experiment were college students. These students are more likely to be aggressive, as they would have higher testosterone levels compared to older guards in regular prisons. The volunteers were mostly white males who were on average ,financially stable, which when compared to regular prisoners would not equate well as people in prisons are usually financially unstable. It goes without saying that this experiment was extremely unethical. It did harmed the volunteers both physically and mentally as they were put under severe stress as well as physical torture. Their consent forms were not complete as it id not involve the details of the experiment. The volunteers did not know what they were getting themselves into , for example strip searched which is a violation itself. They were also ,without prior knowledge ,arrested. Zimbardo himself became the super-intendant and did not abide by his role as a psychologist ,which should have been the case to have an unbiased study. The experiment had no controls and thus is therefore severely criticised. Therefore the validity and ethics of this experiment, relating to its method are questioned. In conclusion, the experiment was a path breaking exercise that opened our eyes to show us the vulnerability of our race in terms of conformity and how we adapt to our situations especially when it comes to the fight for power.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Is the American Education System in Trouble Essay

Is the American Education System in Trouble - Essay Example Literacy's worth has changed and America has apparently become a "dropout nation". In answer to this dilemma, fingers are pointing to several aspects of America's education system; there are incompetent educators, obsolete curriculum, overcrowded schools and lack of funding for the system. It is an unending blame game where there is no winner and all are losers. Frank Salvato (2006) vividly mentions in an online article that: "It is ironic that liberal institutions of learning complete with accelerated courses in the humanities, sociology and ethics, are increasingly producing graduates who have no ethics, no understanding of morality and no mastery of the skills that can reasonably be described as the basics of education". Here, Salvato is clearly pointing to how dismal students are being taught even in the so called well established academes. Many have been calling out for an overhaul in the system to refocus its aim to teach or educate students on what is important and relevant. Old curriculum's and traditional teaching methods tend to be boring for students nowadays. Boredom leads to disinterest, which is one of the common reasons high school students drop out of their schools. The most obvious reason for dropping out of high school is poverty and poor academic performance. But even in suburban areas in America where money is not a big issue, parents and school authorities are finding it hard to keep kids at school. Often than not, students are not motivated to go back to school. Some dropouts choose to go direct to work and earn money instead of "wasting" time learning things they can learn themselves. Dropping out of high school has become so common especially since the law gives anyone who is 16 years old (or 18 years old in some states) the right to discontinue his/her education given that they have valid reason to do so. In fact, according to a recent PR News Today (2006) online article, 3,000 American students drop out of school for every school day and that most of them are poor readers. Moreover, only half of the high school graduates continue on to finish their college degrees. What most people tend to overlook is that dropping out of high school means minimum wage jobs and slim chances of going up the ladder. It's an almost certain way of being in a degenerative cycle, where dropouts rear children who choose to drop out of school eventually too. It is certainly a challenge for the school administrators, parents, and the society at large to make students realize that staying in school is the most important step they could take to improve their financial capacity in the future. In an online article by the Oprah Winfrey Show (2006) website, it was stressed that American students used to be among the best in the world about 20 years ago. Presently however, American students are lagging in academic rankings and even ranking behind poorer and smaller countries like Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and India. There are also an increasing number of high school graduates who later find college level education hard to cope with. Their high school curriculum evidently did not train them to be apt to that level. Even more disappointing is that some who graduated top of their classes perform miserably in their college years. What happens if the American education system continues to fail The country and its

Friday, September 27, 2019

Major factors of obesity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Major factors of obesity - Essay Example This essay "Major factors of obesity" outlines the causes of obesity and the consequences of this medical condition. The problem of obesity is being considered to be a serious issue in the United States of America owing to the fact that the number of people who suffer from this condition have increased. According to the statistical analysis of the year 2010, in the United States one out of every five individuals had increased weight in comparison to the normal limits. This analysis revealed the fact that the problem has been increasing in the country as statistics from the year 1991 showed that one out of every eight people suffered from the problem of increased weight. Recent reports presented by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention highlighted the fact that in the year 2011, there are 9 million youths and young children who are overweight. A similar report indicated the fact that 130 million adults were suffering from the problem of increased weight. The effects of obesit y on the health of individuals have led to mark obesity to be a serious problem. The Department of Health and Human Services in the United States highlighted the fact that healthcare costs of the people who were suffering from obesity served to lay a burden on the healthcare system of the country owing to the higher cost that has to be paid for their health. It was also indicated that the pathological conditions that resulted due to obesity led to the death of 300,000 individuals in the United States (Bass III 2011; Huber 2010; McCambridge 2006).

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Frederick Chopins Music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Frederick Chopins Music - Essay Example Indeed, the airport at Warsaw is now named Frà ©dà ©ric Chopin International Airport, an indication of the high esteem in which he is held in his native land. It is quite obvious that emotion is very important to Chopin’s music. But in his music emotion is not just a big swirl of impressions. He draws out many nuances with his delicate shifts of tone. In a way it is like poetry, line by line a new feeling or passion is revealed and just about everyone can understand it. It is very pleasant to follow the small steps he takes as he carefully draws out a larger picture, a larger emotional canvas. This style marks out Chopin as a romantic composer. The Romantic Movement, which dominated a great deal of artistic expression during the 19th century, emphasized the primacy of feelings and the oneness of humans with nature. It especially taught that the authentic life is the one in which a person is true to his emotions and not shackled to traditions or the old way of living. It sought to create an aesthetic life rather than a grim and boring one. One of my favourite pieces by Chopin is the Nocturne. This starts off slowly with a melancholic air about it. The melody is quite pretty and delicate. It seems to come from within a deep well inside the composer. The low notes played by the left hard are largely the same, maintaining a certain stability or grounding, while the melody played by the right hand darts around with a much larger range. Sometimes the notes are very high on the keyboard only to fall away like a cascading waterfall down to a lower register.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

222 # 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

222 # 4 - Essay Example Once embraced fully in numerous states, death penalty is an effective tool to ensure crimes rates have declined contrary to life’s imprisonment. This is because many criminals prefer the latter than facing extermination. Yes. I think numerous states have realized costs involved in undertaking death penalty and its implications compared to other forms. This is as per Death Penalty Information Center recent report, which showed more than half of the respondents (54%) preferred any other type of life sentences compared to capital (DPIC). For instance, arguments based on costs referred to particular three cases, which before that conclusion cost the approximately 350 million, which is quite expensive than if it chose to give them a life sentence (DPIC). In addition, citizens including diverse activists are emerging with claims this punishment approach is not even fair for long seems to favor certain races. I think due to the complexity involved with lethal injections whereby those undertaking it might not have the necessary expertise, it should be obsolete but justice authorities uphold other executions. For instance, in my view I propose electric execution whose undertaking is more practical and does not encompass numerous complex technicalities to the executioner. In addition, its durations is quite short compared to legal whereby with the appropriate voltage of 40 seconds is enough then let the body cool down. â€Å"Whats New: Public Opinion: Majority of Pennsylvanians Prefer Life Sentences, Support Moratorium on Death Penalty.† Death Penalty Information Center – DPIC. 25Th March 2015. Web. 26Th March 2015.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Importing US food Risk Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Importing US food Risk - Research Paper Example In 2008, there were some reported cases where cats and dogs were stricken by tainted pet food while people died from contaminations in certain drugs. In both incidents, the ingredients were found to have been imported from China (In Curtis, 2013).   In response to this, the Public Health Security through the Bioterrorism act directs the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to take additional measures to protect the public from all terrorist attacks on food supply and all other food related emergencies. FDA is the food regulatory agency of the department of Health and Human Services and has the mandate to receive prior notification of food that is imported, including animal feed, in the United States. Prior notice of import shipments give chance to the FDA, through the support of the U.S Custom and Border Protection to focus on import inspections with much effectiveness and help protect the state’s food supply against acts of terror and all other public health emergencies. The FDA food safety act was signed in 2011 with aims to ensure that the U.S food supply is safe by directing the focus of the federal regulations from taking action on contamination to prevent it (Kastner, 2011).   The FDA signed a regulation that required all persons to submit prior notices of imported food. Close to fifty million people get sick while three thousand die each year from food borne diseases. This is according to a data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This was mentioned as a public health burden which is largely preventable. The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act enables the FDA to strengthen the systems of food safety by giving them new authorities and tools to make all new imported foods meet the same safety standards as those produced in the U.S. However, building a new system of food safety beside on prevention would take time. FDA focuses on implementing the safety acts with open grounds for all stakeholders to give their contribution. T he FDA has therefore some laid down responsibilities and authorities which are aimed at improving food safety in the United States. The FDA’s new import mandates and authorities include the following (Hinkelman and Ebrary, 2004); Import accountability. During the first time, the importers have an explicit mandate to verify that their suppliers have sufficient preventive controls to make sure that the food they produce is safe. Third party certification: The FDA Food Safety Modernization (FSMA) initiates program through which third parties can verify that foreign food capacities comply with the U.S food safety standards. The certification is very significant in facilitating the entry of imports (Zaring et al., 2009). Cortication for high risk foods: as a condition of entry into America, FDA can authorize that the high-risk imported foods be accompanied by a trustworthy third party certification or with an assurance of compliance. Voluntary qualified importer program: a volunta ry program must be established for the importers. This would provide for the expedited entry and review of foods from importers. Entitlement is limited to importers who offer food from certified facilities. Authority to deny entry: foods from a foreign facility can be denied entry into the U.S by FDA. FDA has also a

Monday, September 23, 2019

Foundational Philosophies of Management-Terence Essay

Foundational Philosophies of Management-Terence - Essay Example In the reference list the foundation philosopher that will be analyzed is Sharpe, C. This is because his 2011 work, Online Resources for Senior Citizens, provide techniques for ensuring effective use of communication technologies like the internet, by the senior citizens worldwide. The analysis will also look at the philosophy described by Zain et al. (2011) and Nejmej (2012). Sharpe explains that communication technology improves service delivery to the senior citizens, and enables them effectively and efficiently access information. For instance, a lot of government services are currently provided through the internet. The senior citizens must therefore, understand how to use the internet and access the online resources properly. One important online resource for the senior citizens is the ElderWeb. This is a website which is very effective in research on older people, families and professionals, seeking information concerning elderly care or long term care (Bandura, 2003). Tourism websites like Exploritas is helpful to the senior citizens because, it arranges for learning and travel adventures of the senior citizens. Social security administration is also conducted online. The senior citizen can therefore know their social security status through the internet, instead of visiting the actual offices. This ensures efficiency in service delivery because minimal costs are involved, and also ensure effectiveness because many people can be served at almost the same time. The government also illustrates the laws and regulations affecting the seniors through the internet. This ensures adequate publicity, because many people use the internet for getting information. Most of these legislations protect the interests of the elderly citizens; for instance, prohibition of age discrimination in public service delivery. In this

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Why Chinese communist party-led governance in China is stable and Essay

Why Chinese communist party-led governance in China is stable and sustainable - Essay Example Chinese Communist Party formed the strategy to achieve a peaceful rise after the entry of China’s economy into rapid growth period. An important role in this was played by the introduction of the Open Door Policy and the Reform in China. Times changed for better during the second half of the 20th century as the world moved from war toward peace. This very important change had a far-reaching impact on all of the world in general and on the developing countries in particular. In the present age, when development and cooperation is sought by most countries, the peaceful rise strategy of China has become consistent with the global trend. Sun Yat-sen expresses this notion in these words, â€Å"World progress is like a tidal wave. Those who ride it will prosper, and those who sail against it will perish† (Yat-sen cited in Jianmin). Chinese communist party-led governance in China is stable and sustainable because of its prudent strategies and foresightedness. Political Trends Mao’s Cultural Revolution caused the state economy to collapse. China was left in a profound identity crisis and required radical restructuring of its national character. Deng Xiaoping’s first challenge after his resumption of power in 1976 was to address this exigency with acceptable values and norms (Lu and Simons). Since 1978, the ruling Communist Party in China has directed the country’s foreign policy at development of strategic partnership with China’s old Western enemies and moved China’s economy toward capitalism.... etween the ideological strategies and fervor that worked during the yenan years, the prevailing condition of peasantry, and demands of the developing economy in China (Pradnyawati 33). â€Å"In  the  post ­Mao  Zedong  era,  the party  ideology  has  successfully  shifted  from  that  of  class struggle  to  one of  economic  development† (Zheng 13). In contrast to Mao, Xiaoping’s pragmatic leadership placed emphasis on economic development of China and relinquished mass political movements. The leadership adopted policies of economic reform at the Third Plenum in December 1978 in order to expand rural incentives and income, boost experimentation in enterprise autonomy, attract foreign direct investment, and reduce central planning. The plenum resolved to accelerate the process of legal reform. After resurgence of the conservatives resulting from military intervention in Beijing on 4 June 1989, the process of economic reform slowed do wn. It was Xiaoping’s visit to China that gave economic reform a new impetus in early 1992. At the 14th Party Congress, Xiaoping’s renewed efforts to make Chinese economy market-oriented got official sanction. Many pro-reform young leaders were rising to top positions at that time. Xiaoping made management of economy in a way that prioritized improvement of living standards in China his primary policy objective even if that required adoption of capitalist measures. Xiaoping’s economic openness policies were publicly endorsed by the Communist Party Politburo. Ever since, China has placed emphasis on economic openness. This has played a great role in China becoming the second largest economy in the contemporary world. State and society The Chinese leadership proceeded toward increasingly pragmatic positions in a variety of fields

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Importance of Education Essay Example for Free

Importance of Education Essay Education is the word which has the origin of latin. The original word is Educare (In Latin) which means to bring up. Education helps one to shape his/her future and It moulds the personality of an individual. Now a day’s people think that education would help them in their money making purposes. Definitely it is false view. Each one of us have different medium and of different cultural norms. However everybody is united through EDUCATION. It is quite very clear that, it mould a personal to put his knowledge in more useful things. There are many reasons Why Education is More Important? But the main basic reasons where education is more important is, It train up human minds which is incomplete without education. It shows the right path, think right and to make decisions in right time. Only throught the attainment of education, man is able to received information from his society, they are able to acquaint themself with past history. Education helps the human being in every aspects of their life. With good education of this generation government takes care in the progress in developing the country. The central and State government have announced many schemes for the children’s education, every child should receive their primary education. Now education is viewed as a vital key to success in life, and knowledge has become every individual’s aim or concern. The Eminent Scholars think that only through education one can make the country flourished. Even now many poor people believe that they can earn more by sending their wards to work. On the other hand it is a great blender. They couldn’t give basic education to their wards. Even though we have improved our literacy rate, there is a existence of uneducated persons. Every learned citizens of the country should ensure the education of the fellow citizen. We can say that a person will not be in proper sense when he is uneducated. Education is the need of an hour. It the one of the important things which differentiates the human being from the other creatures. It makes the uncivilized as civilized in their society. It brings more precisely, the perceived goal to make the individual better in the society.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Domestication of Maize in Mesoamerica

Domestication of Maize in Mesoamerica One of the most basic needs of a human being is that of food. We most eat and drink to survive. Subsistence is a natural thought which consumes every modern humans day. What will I eat for breakfast? What will I take for lunch or will I eat out? Should I take something out for dinner or pick something up on the way home? All of these questions seem at times quite complicated, however are without a doubt, much simpler than what may have crossed the minds of prehistoric humans. Just as it is today subsistence was the center of each cultures world. Whether you were nomadic or sedentary each group of hunter-gatherers had to eat. It is the survival of these societies which allows us as archaeologists a peak into the past. The process of gathering enough food in which to obtain a sufficient amount of calories was first and foremost in everyday life. The process of domestication of certain plants eventually led to more nucleated settlements. Let us keep in mind Morgans theory of culture, if this is correct, that cultural progression is lineal; than it is safe to assume that the only natural progression for prehistoric humans was to transition from the hunter gather stage of obtaining subsistence to a more agricultural life style. One cultigen in particular was maize, now referred to as corn. In this paper an attempt will made to properly explain what maize is, how maize became a major staple in prehistoric peoples diet, and lastly how has maize been detected in Mesoamerica through evidence in the archaeological record. What is maize? It is a large species of American grass of the genus Zea (Z. Mays) widely cultivated as a forage and food plant; known as Indian corn ( Maize is a cultigen; this is a crop that cannot propagate in the wild without human intervention. Plant domestication can be defined as the human creation of a new form of plant, dependent on human intervention, harvesting and planting for survival. Maize has a distinct planting season, growing season, and harvesting season. There is a worldwide importance placed on corn. In the Western Hemisphere it is by far the most important human food crop (Beadle, 615). It is still the most important crop in all of Latin America. On a worldwide basis it is the third most important human food crop, with an annual production of some two hundred metric tons (Beadle, 615). When Columbus arrived from the Old World and stumbled upon this strange crop on the island of Cuba, essentially all major races of maize-some two to three hundred- were already in cultivation and had been disseminated from its place of origin, probably southern Mexico (which will be explained further in the paper), to mid-Chile in the south and to the mouth of the St. Lawrence River in the north. The passage below from a science magazine will further help explain the definition of maize. Corn, also known as maize (from the Spanish maiz) was first domesticated nearly 10,000 years ago from teosinte, a wild grass that looked quite different from our modern crop. Teosinte grew in Mexico and Central America as a bushy plant with many spikes, the precursor to our familiar ear of corn. The small teosinte spikes had only two rows of nearly inedible kernels, or seeds, each enclosed by a hard covering. These seeds separated individually at maturity and were dispersed widely. In probably less than a thousand years, the tiny spikes of ancestral teosinte transformed into larger ears with edible kernels that remained on the cob for easy harvest. How these dramatic changes occurred has been a puzzle for over a century. Geneticists are now convinced that humans living in the Balsas River region of Mexico were foraging teosinte seeds when they noticed rare aberrations-likely caused by random mutations-that increased spike size dramatically. Seeds were propagated from these bigger spi kes, and thus the remarkable events of domestication began. By studying the maize genome, researchers have now confirmed that mutations in single genes, such as Teosinte glume architectural (Tgal). Alter kernel and plant structure and that changes in many genes influence complex developmental traits, such as the time to flowering. As human populations migrated throughout the Americas, new varieties of maize were selected to grow in local environments. Some varieties were maintained as so-called landraces, each growing in ecological niches in Mexico and South America. Now, these varieties and landraces hold a wealth of genetic diversity, which is being tapped for both basic research and as traits for crop breeding( How did maize become a major staple in prehistoric peoples diet? Where there other uses or maize other than subsistence? New research shows that there is unequivocally four major independent centers of plant domestication; the Near East, China, Eastern North America and Mesoamerica. (Smith 1989: 1566) The Americas is believed to provide the clearest record there is of agriculture origins anywhere in the world, providing new understanding of the process involved in this key transformation in human history. However, the process is believed to have started in Mesoamerica. Maize has many uses; food, feed for live stock and energy for industries. As a food, the whole grain, either mature or immature, may be used; or the maize may be processed by dry milling techniques to give a relatively large number of intermediary products, such as maize grits of different particle size, maize meal, maize flour and flaking grits. ( These materials have a significant number of applications in a large variety of foods. Maize grown in subsistence agriculture continues to be used as a basic food crop. In developed countries more than 60 percent of the production is used in compounded feeds for poultry, pigs and ruminant animals. In recent years, even in developing countries in which maize is a staple food, more of it has been used as an animal feed ingredient. High moisture maize has been paid much attention recently as an animal feed because of its lower cost and its capacity to improve efficiency in feed conversion. The by-products of dry milling include the germ and the seed-coat. The former is used as a source of edible oil of high quality. The seed-coat or pericarp is used mainly as a feed, although in recent years interest has developed in it as a source of dietary fiber (Earl et al., 1988; Burge and Duensing, 1989). Wet milling is a process applicable mainly in the industrial use of maize, although the alkaline cooking process used in manufacturing tortillas (the thin, flat bread of Mexico and other Central American countries) is also a wet milling operation that removes only the pericarp (Bressani, 1972). Wet milling yields maize starch and by-products such as maize gluten, used as a feed ingredient. It is this flat bread or tortilla that is speculated to have been used in pre-historic times. This is not the tortilla that we think of today, however, the basic concept is rudimentary and could have been used even 10,000 years ago. George W. Beadles research shows that the probability of maize being similarly used as what we refer to as popcorn is high. This high probability points to the use of teosinte, which has been argued among scholars as an un-usable product, therefore not an ancestor of maize. Beadles research has proven that even the triangular kernel of teosinte could have been heated on heated sand, hot rock or fire and would have popped. There is speculation that in prehistoric time, maize had a religious and ceremonial purpose. It is written that in the height of the Incan empire maize was used in ritual and ceremonial gatherings in the form of beer. (Fernandez-Arnesto; 243) There isnt anything to indicate any different anywhere else that maize has turned up within the archaeological record. With a better understanding of maize and its possible functions, lets address where maize originated. Blake, Clark, Chisholm, and Mudar consider the transition to agriculture in the Formative period of coastal Mesoamerica (from approximately 1500 B.C. to the birth of Christ), specifically along the Pacific coast of Chiapas, Mexico. These scholars review the evidence from this area in terms of two competing hypotheses: the competitive feasting model of Hayden (1990) and the interaction of plants and humans as described by Rindos (1984) and Flannery (1986). MacNeishs work in the Tehuacan Valley has shown that the origins of maize and its integration into a system of agricultural production that included a variety of plants began as early as 7000 B.C. The earliest people to use and domesticate these plants were not sedentary, instead, they were nomadic foragers who incorporated these domesticates into a complex seasonal pattern of hunting and collecting (MacNeish 1967, 1972; Flannery 1968; Flannery 1986). It has been believed that from Formative times forward that maize is typically seen as the main staple crop in Mesoamerican prehistory. Agricultural advancement has long been thought of as the cornerstone of early sedentary village life and one of necessary conditions for the development of complex society (MacNeish 1972). Maize yields a high amount of caloric intake which is necessary in the process of sustaining the level of activity that prehistoric people in Mesoamerica needed to survive. A recent re-analysis by Farnsworth et al (1985) of archaeological data from the Tehuacan Valley, including a stable carbon and nitrogen analysis of the human skeletal remains, suggests that a heavy dependence on grains, including maize began as early as the Coxcatlan phase (ca. 5000-3000 B.C.). In Oaxaca, excavated macrobotanical remains show that domesticates, including maize, beans, squash, and avocados, were in use and consumed both before and after the appearance of the first sedentary villages (Flannery 1976, 1986). Kirkbys (1973) study of agricultural production suggests that the main staple, maize, was cultivated and relied upon from the Early Formative Tierras Largas phase (1400-1150 B.C.) onwards. She suggests, however, that maize did not reach a threshold of productivity, until about 100B.C. when larger varieties allowed greater yields per cultivated hectares of land. The assumption is that as maize cob size grew, and the plant became more productive, then early villagers c ame increasingly to rely on it as a subsistence staple. Both the Tehuacan and the Oaxaca data suggest that after agricultural products, particularly maize, became important in the subsistence system by the Late Archaic period, the trend towards increasing reliance on these plants continued through time. The movement of a relatively small amount of maize from established agro-ecology over long distances into a new environment is equivalent to an evolutionary bottleneck or a founder event (King, 1987; Mayr, 1963). Because only a small portion of the population is represented after one of these events, sampling error will result in, among other things, changed gene frequencies, breakdown of co-adapted gene complexes, and sometimes increased additive genetic variability (Cheverud and Routman, 1996). The above mentioned on page 2 and 3 of this paper attempted to explain the process of genetics when involved in the process of advancement of a plant. We can refer to this as agricultural evolution. Farming in modern day seems to be, from an outsider looking in; hard work, dirty work, and monotonous work. If with modern equipment farming is difficult what would it have been like in prehistoric Mesoamerica? Why farm at all? We look at hunting game now in present day society as romantic and sportsman like. There is a challenge to the game. There is fancy equipment purchased and well kept. Hunters tell stories that are passed on from generation to generation, hunting stories in prehistory had to be just as exciting and the stuff of which myths were made. So, again why farm at all? Many scholars have argued that without agriculture societies would not have existed. Only agriculture, with its pattern of population growth, urbanization, and economic surpluses has produced civilizations (Reed, 5). Thus helping to explain why agriculture led to complex societies. Varying conditions such as altitude, rainfall, soil, and seasonal temperature rand and latitudinal differences in the length of day during growing seasons led to the eventual diffusion of maize northward into North America, however for the sake of this paper the focus will remain on Mesoamerica. The research indicates that the evidence in the archaeological record states that the coastal areas show maize before any other area. Coe and Flannery until the 1980s were the only two researchers to report domesticates at Early Formative cities along the Pacific Coast of either Chiapas or Guatemala. Other than these few incidences relatively few sites have produced macrobotanical evidence of cultigens among their subsistence remains. Richard Scotty MacNeish conducts what he called the great corn hunt in 1958. MacNeish believed by tracking pre-ceramic caves in the southern part of Mesoamerica, namely, in the caves of Copan and the Comeagua Valley of Honduras he would have a better chance of tracking the corn (MacNeish 1962). His search extended to Zacapa Valley of Guatemala in 1959, as well having brief visits in Oaxaca and the Rio Balsas Valley of Guerrero. In 1961 MacNeish and his team started the Tehuacan project which yielded to be a great unbelievable success. Among many question with this project MacNeish and his colleagues were able to solve the problem of the origins of corn and were able to attack the how and the why of many other domesticated plants in highland Mesoamerica. According to MacNeish the amount of artifacts (50,000 lithics, more than 100,000 plant remains, over 10,000 bones and some 250 human feces) found in the 454 sites gave the team a time span that roughly stretched from 20,000 to 2000 B. C. Since MacNieshs research and excavations there have been over 1000 sites found and more archaeological evidence to support his original findings. In conclusion, the topic of maize is one that has intrigued and puzzled archaeologists for many years. The domestication and evolution of maize in and of itself causes much debate. It is because of great archaeologists like MacNeish and his unwavering curiosity of the great corn hunt as to why we have the information that we have today. The mere evidence of 454 sites becoming 1000 in a matter of years speaks for itself. The fact remains that there are 4 major independent centers of plant domestication, the Near East, China, North America, and Mesoamerica. It is the intent of this paper to have clearly introduced even the novice of persons to what exactly is the definition of maize, how maize became a major staple in prehistoric peoples diet, and how maize has been detected in Mesoamerica through evidence in the archaeological record.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Workplace Privacy and Employee Monitoring :: Human Resources Managment HRM

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Do we really have our privacy rights in the workplace? In today’s society we are so caught up with our rights that we often forget about work rules. If someone goes into my office or someone reads my email I feel violated and deprived of my rights. But the real question is, are these things my own to do with? In all reality if it is a private organization the person who owns the business is the owner of all offices and computers, so in that case you’re just using his stuff.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sometimes there is no middle ground. Monitoring of employees at the workplace, either you side with the employees or you believe management owns the network and should call the shots. The purpose of this paper is to tackle whether monitoring an employee is an invasion of privacy. How new technology has made monitoring of employees by employers possible. The unfairness of computerized monitoring software used to watch employees. The employers desire to ensure that the times they are paying for to be spent in their service is indeed being spent that way. Why not to monitor employees, as well as tips on balancing privacy rights of employees at the job. First ill start off with talking about electronic monotoring. This as well has its pros and cons. On the good side electronic monitoring offers a huge advantage to the employee: it is objective. This benefits the employee because it provides an unbiased method of performance evaluation and prevents the interference of managers' feelings in a review. Electronically generated information offers uniform and accurate feedback on past performance. This means the evaluation will be strictly based on the quantity and quality of work, rather than on managers' opinions. Another advantage is providing feedback to employees on their work performance. Instead of listening to a manager tell an employee how to do a job, one may review a tape to see exactly what they are doing wrong and judge the employees performance. In this case, monitoring is used as a tool to show employees their work habits and what they need to change to improve their performance. Employees generally like this because they can see for themselves their weak and strong points, and they can use the information to improve their work methods. This knowledge can increase employee performance and efficiency. On the negative end of this employers cold be basing a persons performance on this.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Writings in Henry James’s The Turn of the Screw :: Henry James Turn Screw Essays

Writings in Henry James’s The Turn of the Screw Leon Edel, in his biography of Henry James, tells of an instance after Alice James’ death when Henry James discovered a collection of letters he had written to her.   James, aware that researchers would be all too interested in the details revealed in the correspondences to his sister, destroyed them.   Writers who gain notoriety within their own lifetime become aware that every written word will be inspected. James knew that documents relating to an author can be important to prove intention in the author’s work, as well as to look at personal relationships, friendships, or simply to acquire the details of a specific event.   He was fully informed that letters can reveal as much or as little as he chose to let them.   This knowledge explains why he used papers, diaries, notes, documents, plans, letters, manuscripts, wills, messages, decrees, telegrams, and other written communications as tools to advance his stories. For ease of reading, I will call these, coll ectively,   "writings." The frequency with which James utilizes these writings is surprising.   A few examples of these in his texts are: the telegrams from In the Cage, the messages and papers in The Aspern Papers, the letters (obviously) from A Bundle of Letters,   and the diary from The Visits.   Evaluation of these writings, within James’s literature has, until now, been ignored.   Within The Turn of the Screw, especially, writings tell a story about their own lives and deaths, about their readers, intended and unintended, and give clues to James’s own intentions and the intentions of the authors of the writings.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Many valid questions about these letters have been left unanswered by previous scholarship on this work.   For example, what do these writings in The Turn of the Screw reveal about the traumas at Bly?   What can they tell us about the past, about the ghosts, and about their unnatural deaths?   How does James use the story as a letter to his readers with other letters inside it, to characters in the text?   What can they reveal about their authors, and ours?   What do they say about their readers?   How do these letters hide each other, and the secret of their own importance?   Ã‚  Ã‚   Turn’s similitude to The Purloined Letter by Edgar Allen Poe is explicit.   Poe and James use the same device: they hide secrets, in a letter, by placing that letter in an obvious place.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Alcoholism :: essays research papers

Alcoholism I woke up from coma wondering what had happened to me. "I am going to die, what have I done to myself." "Does my mother know?" She will kill me. "I am so SCARED!" Most kids my age, who only had their grandma and grandpa never knew what it was like to have a great-grandmother. Not only was she the best great grandma but she also played the role of a mother. To me I consider her to be an angel sent from heaven, to show some of us a few lessons about life. Her name was Josephine Catalici, an Italian woman born in Naples, Italy in 1906. She died this past summer. She was about 5'5" and very beautiful. She was good hearted, gentle, devoted, and open handed in everything she did. Josephine was always out to help someone in need. She considered other people to be first priority. She was the type of person who was almost perfect, always pleasing someone else and making one feel proud of themselves. My great-grandmother was the type of person to bring out the best in everyone. As a child, I needed that because my home had its ups and downs. My parents were separated and I had been living with my mother. She was a young parent and did things that most mother did not. For instance, as a child she would leave me alone and sometimes physically abuse me. Therefore, I sometimes had a hard time understanding why she treated me so differently. On the other hand, I always received my explanations from my great-grandmother whom I called â€Å" Mema†. I am not the only individual who considered her to be this type of caring person. Everyone that had known her, thought she was remarkable. Unfortunately, she started getting ill and during her times of need, I took care of her. in this time frame I knew that she was going to leave me soon. I was fourteen and dealing with a lot of changes in my life. I wish Josephine did not have to be one of those changes. Although, she was, but the good thing, is that she died without suffering. She was never afraid of death because she considered it to be another continuation of life. However, I could not deal with the pain of being without my great-grandmother. I am now in eighth grade, not too happy to be here. But I know that I have to go to school. I felt like nothing. My mother will not stop beating me. I don't want to live anymore.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Business Ethics and Issues Essay

Ethics Ethics is a branch of philosophy which seeks to find answers about the moral concepts like bad, good, evil, right, wrong, etc. According to OEC (2011) ethic is defined as â€Å"a moral philosophy which is concerned with what is right or wrong, good or bad, fair or unfair, responsible or irresponsible, obligatory or permissible, praiseworthy or blameworthy†. Many scholars have associated it with the various feelings and emotions like guilt, indignation, empathy etc. The ethics deals in the way of doing things and with the generalized matters related to the public policies and the personalized issues. It is based on the social practices and laws, religious matters and conscience. These social practices give strength to this branch of philosophy. It seems to be very general matter but due to its connection to various social issues, it is often termed to be very complex and difficult to employ. With the passage of time, many companies have started giving importance to the corporat e ethics and their responsibility towards the society and communities. Today, many businesses have gained lot of reputation and recognition by being in business and following the morals when conducting their business activities while many others have lost their reputation only because of bad business practices. To many, business is an economic activity to maximize their profits and the main focus for them behind this activity is money. There is nothing wrong with the money itself but the some businesses acquire money and gain profits matters most and their manner raises several questions related to the ethical behavior. Business Ethics Business ethics strives to understand whether or not a specific business practice is morally and ethically acceptable. The American Heritage Dictionary has defined business ethics as â€Å"the philosophy of human conduct with the emphasis on determining right and wrong. It specifies the rules or standards governing the conduct of the members of a profession† (Ferrell et al, 2009). It is necessary for the entrepreneurs to follow good business ethics for every part of their business. There are several global entities, that offer brands to the public for general and specialized use, are engaged in the bad business practices and many of them have been fined by the related authorities which accounts for millions. The companies are fined due to their failure to adhere to the business ethics and ethical laws. The main problem with these companies is the amount of money they generate is much higher than the fines imposed on them. This outweighs the opportunity costs associated in their business and they happily pays off all the fines. It is therefore necessary for the authorities to force business ethics over all the business entities and their business units. Business ethics can remove the minor issues like the lower wage rates, work force exploitation as well as the big issues like the children in sweat shops making sneakers or footballs for the large companies. The above discussed implications explain some of the important facts related to the business ethics. The importance of ethical business practices is forced by many local, regional and state level governments to the companies. Importance of Business Ethics Being a good person or a person of values, in one’s own opinion, being a person of good ethical and moral values is not enough in the today’s business scenarios and it is not helpful to handle the issues related to the ethics that may arise in the organizations. It is very important for the companies to understand and recognize the relationship between the decision related to ethics and the legal aspects of business organizations. The importance of business ethics was first recognized, during the 1960’s, when the social issues in business rise to large extent in the American societies. There were increased issues related to the public safety, and ecological problems related to the pollution, waste management system, disposing the toxic wastes etc. in these societies. The then president of America, John F. Kennedy, gave a special message to the general public and the companies to safeguard the consumer rights of safety, the right to be informed and right to choose, which is widely known as consumer bill of rights. In the late nineties, business ethics became an emerging field in the societies. Lot of emphasis on this field was placed by the theologians and philosophers who suggested that some of the principles of ethics are applicable to business activities. This gave rise to the academic and research writings about Corporate Social Responsibility of a company (Ferrell et al, 2009). The importance of ethical practices can be recognized by considering the fact there is an international Federation Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations (FSGO) which was established in late 90’s to set the standards and code of conduct for the companies working in the business environments. There are ten basis guidelines for the organizations specified by FSGO which must be followed by the companies in order to remain ethical in the business (Ethics Resource Center, 2005). Ethical Issues in Business Due to increased emphasis on the business ethics over last three decades, this field is suffering and is troubled by the lack of proper directions and is struck, just like Alice in the wonderland, in the issues like logic, reasons etc. Much of the research emphasis is given on the two basis approaches to understand the relationship between ethics and the business practices. These approaches used by the researchers are termed as normative approach and empirical approach (Donaldson and Dunfee, 1994). The past conception of the companies about the ethical issues in business was related to the administration of rules, regulations in the organizations and making sure that the people are complying with these rules or adhere to the standards set by the organizations to stay ethical. This conception is now nowhere implemented, today, people from the top management level and the business owners have understood that this concept of ethical issues in business is far superior than handling the r ules and regulations and their effective implementation. There are wide ranges of issues related to the business ethics currently observed by the market analysts. According to the online report published by UK Energy Saving Website (2011), today, there is wide range of areas listed under the head of ethical issues in business. These issues can be of varying nature ranging from professional ethics which may include the moral duties of engineers, doctors, and architects, lawyers as well as the employee right issues. The issues related to employee rights may further be divided into various categories like issues related to wages, safe working environment, non-discriminatory policies etc. The functional areas of business like marketing, management, accounts etc. also reported to have ethical business issues. Due to the varying natures of these issues, it is difficult to conclude whether or not any company or a supply chain partner is adhering to the ethical principles. In the current business environment, the issues like fairness, justice and honesty are the main issues that are posing complex dilemma to the businesses. Any wrong or biased decision can have a profound impact on the goodwill of the company as well as its market position. To deal with such issues, many companies follow the ethical guidelines so that they â€Å"do not lose sight on the essential value of fairness. However, if they choose to use legality and profitability as their measurement in determining what is right from wrong then business ethics will surely become irrelevant† (CFA, 2009). Business Function Ethics: Marketing Ethics Marketing is among the most crucial functions of a business in an organization. The function of this business unit is to provide understanding about the four basic aspects of a business- Product, Price, Place and Promotion. It provides interface to the management related not only to the customers but the other related parties like media, investors, distribution system, supply chain partners, legal framework, as well as others. The importance of marketing ethics is vital to the organization due to the diverse nature of stakeholders associated with this business function (Ferrell, 2007). While Ethic deals in the determination and study of what is right, wrong, good, evil etc., for marketing managers, workplace ethics deals with the rules, regulations, principles for governing the code of conduct of the members of an organization (Ferrell, 2005). Therefore, ethical marketing can be defined as â€Å"practices that emphasize transparent, trustworthy, and responsible personal and organiza tional marketing policies and actions that exhibit integrity as well as fairness to consumers and other stakeholders† based on normative perspective (Murphy et al, 2005). The concept of marketing ethic emphasizes on the practices and standards that are deemed acceptable in the marketing conduct. These operative standards are usually determined by the stakeholders and the organization as a whole which is responsible for the marketing related activities. The marketing team is required to adhere to these standards and make sure that these prescribed standards are in fit with the societal needs and expectations. According to Ferrell (2005) the ethical marketing practices are most significant in establishing and retaining long term relationship, and development of customer trust. The nature of marketing is very diverse which in turn started large numbers of ethical issues incurred by the businesses today. Key Issues in Marketing Ethics As the 21st century started, the companies and business started to give more importance to the business ethics due to the various scandals emerge early this century related to Enron, Tyco, and Sunbeam etc. most of the business scandals were related to the accounting frauds or supply chain management. During this phase, the journal of marketing consisted of wide range of articles that were associated not only to ethics but especially to the issues related to business ethics (Klein, Smith and John, 2004). The marketing ethical issues are defined by the stakeholders and the company and therefore these issues must be resolved in the timely manner to improve the level of trust and build long term relationships with these people. Murphy et al (2005) suggested that due to the nature of marketing issues, the marketers are sometimes need to deal with the choices that are subjective and moral in nature requiring them make decision regarding the moral standards. Due to these ethical standards, the companies and their stakeholders must conform to the moral principles. Many companies have started fair trade system to operate ethically with their supply chain partners. For example, the star bucks has started the fair trade system to engage with their farmers by offering right prices and maintaining business relations as well as direct purchasing options (Starbucks, 2011). When applying ethics to the marketing practices some factors are important to be considered. First, the marketers should understand the objectives of the company. Second, they must balance the marketing practices with the objectives of the company. The balancing may involve compromise at any point of business or tradeoffs (Ferrell, 2007). Most of the marketing ethics are related to the fairness, justice and honesty as well as conflict of interest, fraud, discrimination and privacy etc. Talking about the global business practices, many countries trade departments have established regulatory groups like better business bureau etc that mainly deals with the issues related to the ethical marketing. The governments have also developed trade commissions that forces laws related to the consumer protection. These government regulated bodies includes Federal Trade Commission, Food and Drug Administration etc. these organizations strives to help the consumer in identifying fraud, deception and public safety. These and many other related agencies focus on identifying the major issues that are of ethical concern for the marketers. Examples of these issues includes the communication practices adopted for marketing, wrong advertising, hidden pricing, wrong information presentation in the internal and external communication system, misleading ads, etc. to deceive the customers (Ferrell, 2007; Leclair, Ferrell and Fraedrich, 1998). A lot of progress is been made in the field of ethical marketing based on research and theory. In order to obtain promising results various codes of conducts have been developed by the organizations like American Marketing Association, Marketing Research Association etc. which has elevated the marketing practices. Moreover, many organizations have developed code of ethics which helps them address various marketing practices related ethical risk areas. References CFA (2009) Ethical Issues in Business and the Importance of Ethics, retrieved on July 29, 2011 from Donaldson, T. and Dunfee, T. W. (1994) Toward a unified conception of business ethics: integrative social contracts theory, The Academy of Management Review, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp.252-284 Ethics Resource Center (2005) Federal Sentencing Guidelines for the organization, ethics org, retrieved on July 29, 2011 from Ferrell, O.C. (2005). A Framework for Understanding Organizational Ethics. In Business Ethics: New Challenges for Business Schools and Corporate Leaders. R.A. Peterson and O.C. Ferrell, (eds.) Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe, 3-17. Ferrell, O. C. (2007) nature and scope of marketing ethics. In G. Gundlach, L. Block & W. Wilkie (Eds), Explorations of marketing in society, Mason, OH: Texere/ Thomson South Western Ferrell, O. C., Fraedrich, J. and Ferrell, L. (2009) Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases, 7th edition, USA: South Western Cengage Learning Klein, J.G., N.C. and John A. Smith. (2004). Why We Boycott: Consumer Motivations for Boycott Participation. Journal of Marketing, 68 (3): 92-110. LeClair, D.T., O.C. Ferrell, and J.P. Fraedrich. (1998). Integrity Management: A Guide to Managing Legal and Ethical Issues in the Workplace. Tampa, Florida: University of Tampa Press. Murphy, P.E., G.R. Laczniak, N.E. Bowie, and T.A. Klein. (2005). Ethical Marketing, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice-Hall. OEC (2011) Defining Ethics and Morality, OEC org, retrieved on July 29, 2011 from UK Energy Saving (2011) Ethical Issues in Business, retrieved on July 29, 2011 from Starbucks (2011) Fair Trade, retrieved on July 29, 2011 from Further Reading 1. Business Ethics Cases: 2. Performance Appraisal case: 3. Applied Ethics Resources: 4. Business Ethics: 5. Cutting-edge issues in business ethics: continental challenges to tradition: ;f=false 6. A companion to business ethics: 7. Harvard Business Reviews: Business Ethics: 8. Business Ethics and Stakeholder Analysis: 9. Ethical Decision Making 10. Importance of Ethics in Business 11. The Critical Importance of Business Ethics For Effective Leadership 12. Business Ethics Manual

Humanistic Theory and Trait Theory Essay

Humanistic Theory and Trait Theory My research was comparing the Humanistic Theory and Trait Theory. Humanistic Theory is based on the ability for individuals to be able to uniquely diverse with our own prospective on life. It evaluates how an individual’s choice can affect their decision making and how the decisions can take a positive or negative effect to the conclusion of that choice. It also focuses on how we allow others to manipulate us into believing what our self worth is, if we are capable of achieving what we set out to become. Trait theory is based on an individual’s observation, and elements of their personality traits such as openness to new experiences, skill development, agreeableness, etc. and how that affects their choices. According to Tom Ato, psychologists believe that this trait stems from one basic group of characteristics which are biological in nature. Studies have concluded that is it not based on individualism but account for consistent behavior which are familiar in diverse situations. Both theories have a few similarities; however research revealed several differences between them. Their approach to personality traits differ because they go in different directions. Trait theory shows aspects of human personality can be stable and consistent in several cultures; it is not shaped by outside influences, where as Humanistic traits are. Trait theory is correct in its approach for many reasons; the success of the five-factor personality models, observers’ evaluations, the models withstood challenges that affects all cultures, the link between psychological disorders and personality traits, and the potential to predict what the individuals’ future may bring. The Humanistic trait has been criticized for being too subjective in its approach. Because it focuses on each individual’s potential and gives the fundamental belief that all individuals are good, makes it harder to explain why people commit crimes. We can not objectively tell is self actualized, we can only rely on the individual own assessment of their experiences. Both theories have valid merit on the personality traits, but they have different approaches on how to establish their findings. Both Humanistic and Trait Theories are in disagreement on what way is most effective however both view the individual’s personality as a whole.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Jespersen vs. Harrahs Case Analysis Essay

Facts: Darlene Jespersen was a bartender at Harrah’s Casino in Reno in the sports bar. She was frequently praised by her supervisors and customers for being an outstanding employee. When Jespersen first started her job at Harrah’s the female bartenders were not required to wear makeup but were encouraged to. Jespersen tried to wear makeup to work a few times but decided that she did not like it due to the fact it made her feel sick, degraded, exposed and violated. She also believed that it interfered with her ability to deal with unruly customers because it â€Å"took away [her] credibility as an individual and as a person.† After 20 years of working for the company, Harrah’s implemented the â€Å"Personal Best† program contained certain appearance standards that applied equally to men and women. Women were now required to wear makeup and when Jespersen refused, she was fired. Jespersen sued Harrah’s under Title VII. Argument for Jespersen: Jespersen refused to wear makeup to work because the cost-in time, money and personal dignity. Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 employers are free to adopt different appearance standards for each sex, but these standards may not impose a greater burden on one sex than the other. Women were required to wear makeup and men were not which allowed men to save hundreds of dollars and hours of time. Harrah’s had no right to fire Jespersen because the rule only applied to women. Argument for Harrah’s: Employers are allowed to impose different appearance rules on women than men as long as the overall burden upon the employees is the same. Harrah’s rules did not impose a heavier burden on women than on men. Outcome: Jespersen appealed the judgment of the United States District Court for District of Nevada granting defendant employer summary judgment in the employee’s sex discrimination action filed under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The final outcome was that the original judgment granting Harrah’s summary judgment was affirmed because Jespersen failed to present sufficient evidence to survive summary judgment on her claim. My Opinion: I agree with the final outcome of this case. Jespersen did not have enough evidence to prove that by Harrah’s requiring her to wear makeup was indeed sexual stereotyping. The â€Å"Personal Best† program had plenty of restrictions and requirements for men as well as women.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Apple and employee motivation Essay

Ideally, Apple wants to have a workplace that fosters creativity from all the employees. Apple combines extrinsic and intrinsic motivation in order to empower their employees to be innovative. There are numerous methods Apple employs to motivate its employees. Once, Apple rewarded its executives by giving them a recognition bonus of 3 to 5 percent of their base salary. This motivating incentive occurred despite the fact that they recently missed their target on a project. This implies that Apple upper management empathized with the group’s efforts. Another motivating incentive is the discount on products that all Apple employees receive. Employees who work at corporate Apple can receive a free iPhone or iPod Shuffle. Giving products to employees rather than money can be a better an effective motivator because many Apple employees are simply motivated to see the end results of their efforts. It is also typically cheaper to give the employees products rather than a raise. Recently, Apple has given employees more vacation days due to the company’s strong performance in product sales. These are all extrinsic examples of how Apple motivates its employees. Employee motivation also stems from the corporate culture. Most Apple employees are heavily committed to their work and can be described enjoying monotonous encoding. Perhaps it is even insightful to look at what intrinsic forces were driving Steve Jobs. Jobs’ Stanford commencement speech indicates that he knew he had a limited time on Earth and this motivated him to follow his heart and pursue his passion. His ultimate motivation for creating innovative products was not based around profit but what would he would personally want to have.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Web Site Publishing Process Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Web Site Publishing Process - Assignment Example They provide a website builder which is really user friendly and useful. In addition to this a lot of free space is provided which is necessary when it comes to building a website. Domain transfer is another important service which just host provides. The website also gives a money back guarantee this also makes the website really genuine. Other facilities include free multiple e-mail accounts so that mails can be tracked and sent from different mail accounts, unlimited My SQL database and a plethora of other exciting offers. Just host is arguably the best hosting website on the internet. â€Å"Every new website begins with an idea – an idea that can potentially become a challenge to construct without a little basic knowledge and understanding of how web hosting and web hosting companies actually work.   The most essential element of any successful website is a reliable web hosting company, one of the most practices methods of sourcing for a reliable host is by frequenting web hosting review sites.† (Just Host Blog) Word Press has given a lot of liberty to the new website publishers; Just host allows the use of Word Press so that it becomes easier for those who have been using Word Press as their publishing platform. Joomla is another platform which a lot of people use and Just Host allows the incorporation of Joomla also. There are a lot of exciting options to choose from this is what makes Just Host the best hosting website. A new user gets free Google and Yahoo advertisement credits which is a great way of attracting traffic and at the end of the day internet is all about traffic, more traffic simply means better results. The control panel provided by Just host is very user friendly and hassle free, to conclude it is very fair to say Just Host is arguably the best web hosting website and it is the best because it offers a lot of exciting features which other hosting websites fail to provide. Whoever is planning to publish a new

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Disaster preparation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Disaster preparation - Assignment Example rs, yet, a large percentage of them are not well prepared for disasters due to several reasons such as the legal structure or the lack of proper emergency systems. All RNs have an ethical duty and responsibility to ensure that the patients’ health are safeguarded and thus for this reason, they play a significantly important role in disaster management. In this context, the paper will discuss both the various disaster management plans that nurses have at home and at work, and the challenges faced by nurse volunteers during cases of community wide disasters. The nature of disasters require that RNs and other health practitioners to respond quickly in order to save number of lives. RNs with no plans in place to cater for their own needs such as family and pets can have a relatively hard time in participating or carrying out their ethical obligations during disasters. For instance, when the Hurricane Katrina occurred, many RNs ignored and aborted their work obligation so as to care for their families and homes, and thus the casualties were exposed to even more danger of losing their lives. In a bid to increase preparedness, nurses should ensure that they have disaster kits at home, in cars and even at their workplace. This could enable people to be treated at various places thus easing congestion that is usually witnessed in hospitals during disasters. Equally important, the government and other agencies have a duty to ensure that nurses feel assured that their families are protected and safe during disasters and calamities. One way that the RNs can have assurance about their families protection is by working coherently with them to ensure that the public, including children, have attained the knowledge and skills required for coping in disaster. For instance, children and adolescents can be engaged in activities such as formulating and exercising preparedness plans, preparing and learning how to use disaster kits, familiarizing with school emergency procedures and

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Micro-organisms and Diesease Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Micro-organisms and Diesease - Essay Example They are colonial or unicellular. Role- cause disease to organisms. There are also useful plants pathogens that play various roles such as restricting plant distribution, regulating population, increasing/reducing diversity and creating canopy gaps. Direct contact- organisms are transmitted from one individual to another (For instance, when there is the physical contact of closed or open body or through a skin opening, sexual contact and through directly breathing in pathogens from an infected individual). Indirect contact- organism transfers from an object to the other, either an intermediate host or a vector. For instance, the organism can be transferred through contaminated substances like air, soils, feces, equipment and clothing. Penetration areas- skin, sebaceous glands or hair follicles to cause boils and sties or teat canals and lead to staphylococcal mastitis, arthropod bites, conjunctiva, through respiratory tract’s mechanism, microorganisms or urinogenital tract. First, there is the existence of the pathogenic or infectious agents such as fungus, virus, bacterium, protozoa or prion. Microorganisms exit from the reservoir through the skin, respiratory tract, genitourinary tract and blood and across the placenta and take a mode of transmission to the next host. The transmission occurs either indirectly or directly. Infection definition- a process by which bacteria, fungi or other organism enter a host and attach to a cell and multiply. To do this, the organisms should overcome or evade the body’s natural defense at every step; though mostly the infected individual does not get sick. Often not all infections cause illness. Treatment- tests for the diagnosis including Chest X-ray, Mantoux skin test, QuantiFERON-TB Gold test and sputum testing and treatment should be done outside the hospital and takes long because the disease organism grows and die

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

7.Is the world radically different from how it appears to be Explicate Essay

7.Is the world radically different from how it appears to be Explicate and assess Russells arguments for the distinction between appearance and reality, in Chapters 1 and 3 of his Problems of Philosophy - Essay Example To him, it is essential to clarify: first, if there is an external physical world, or is the world known merely an orderly combination of concepts and ideas; and secondly, the quality of knowledge held about the physical object. In this paper, we aim to provide a concise exploration of Russell’s ideas about reality and perception by going through his process of knowing, and the issues surrounding the authenticity of human awareness. Then, we assess his ideas by evaluating the strength of its logic from the metaphysical point-of-view. The self is able to connect with the external world through the senses. Knowledge, in this regard, starts with the experience of a physical object through seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, or touching. What is obtained about the object is called sense-data, and what allows for the capturing of these data is called sensation. For example, in the self’s experience of an apple, its redness and smoothness are regarded to be the sense-data which are captured through sensation—by seeing and touching. Through this thinking, it can be further said that the mere presence of the physical object in the external world allows for the emergence of these sense-data, for if there is no apple to begin with, there would not be any redness or smoothness identified. Therefore, the process of knowing clearly distinguishes perception and reality. In the context of seeing and touching an apple, what appears to be the apple and its features are clearly separate from what the real apple is and its features. Building on the previous discussion, it can be said that the fundamental differences between perception and reality have led to the development of two critical issues: (1) the questioning of reality; and (2) the questioning of the truths obtained about the physical object. In expounding on these issues, we intend to establish, first

Monday, September 9, 2019

U.S financial crisis Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

U.S financial crisis - Term Paper Example It was a steady and gradual pace that caught up that finally brings the entire structure crashing down. Some say that it is already over while others argue that it is far from being so and that it will take years to be able to say the country has rid of it completely. Regardless of these arguments, it is of the most import that causes be analyzed to provide for an effective solution to the ailing financial state of the country. There is of course the palpable difference between the dynamics of the economy years ago to the current intricacies of today’s government laden with globalization and a multifaceted area that encompasses the interlocutory status of a country to many others. The crisis as experienced today can be traced back decades ago to the time of Pres. Ronald Reagan and the heyday of capitalism. This is not a direct attack on the merits of Reaganism but merely serves proof that the way business was done then does not necessarily carry with it its applicability decades after. The sheer size of businesses today renders this trite from the time when it was at its prime efficiency. This ideology as Francis Fukuyama states in his article titled ‘The Fall of America, Inc.’ carries two sacred concepts, â€Å"first, that tax cuts would be self-financing, and second, that financial markets could be self-regulating (p. 26). The demand for the dollar by majority of international traders allowed the government to push over as inconsequential the budget deficit. The latter, as we know it, is the very essence of free-market capitalism. The problem reverts back to the issue of housing in the United States. The 1980’s created a mentality for the need of homeownership as definitive of self-identity among Americans. They have then identified themselves as investors and real property was the trend of investment (Shiller, p. 29). â€Å"In Britain as it was in the United States, it wasn’t just owning a home. It was being a better person† (Karabell,

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Citrus Electronics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Citrus Electronics - Essay Example Product delivery entails getting the products to the various customers. This calls for the creation of distribution channels that provide an orderly way of getting the products to various target customers. Delivery and distribution channels provide logistics, transactional efficiency, and facilitate customer satisfaction after they receive their purchases (Ross, 2004). Creation of a local dealer network is necessary for customers who require personalized services from Citrus Electronics as it saves time and costs for both the company and the customer. Selling directly to customers through an e-commerce website and use of a shipment programme can also be used. Developing a specialized sales team that deals directly with customers will establish preferred delivery systems thus enhance customer satisfaction. At the end of sales and purchasing processes, the relationship between the customer and Citrus Electronics is barely over. This is because functions such as repair and maintenance need to be provided by the company for a while longer. As a young company, Citrus Electronics should regard after-sales service as a significant element of enhancing the customer’s trust in the company’s products. As a way of improving after-sales services, company technicians and experts should be available to the customers whenever needed even if it means they have to travel long distances.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Use the knowledge gleaned from this course to write an opinion piece( Assignment

Use the knowledge gleaned from this course to write an opinion piece( using microeconomic insights) on any topic of your choice - Assignment Example These units include separate households, microbusinesses, or persons (Morath). Education, health, infrastructure are all sectors that employ aggressively and so need the minimum wage for the overall peaceful and fair management of remuneration standards. The concept of minimum wage bears innumerable progressive and adverse impacts on industries, kinfolks, and individual employees. In the business world, it presents far reaching effects on the management and success of commercial entities. Organizations that employ a big number of employees who tend to be unskilled are normally greatly affected. The reason is that these companies occasionally face tremendous increases in their budget for wage coverage as a result of actualization of the minimum wage. A significant factor is that companies get no capability to negotiate what they feel is commensurate to pay their low cadre employees. Consequently, industries that employ untrained labor experience significant deterioration in their profit limits (Morath). On the other hand, their operating expenditure surges. A challenge to their inclusive economic growth becomes visible. A new dimension is then introduced to their economic methodology of crafting strategies and policies. On homegrown employment, several companies view the minimum wage as an extraordinary financial commitment to the untrained staff. Mitigating the aspect requires that the companies resort to introducing unfavorable conditions in the approaches they employ in hiring people. In some cases, the companies make a choice to cease employing unskilled labor totally. The resultant implication of this move to the overall performance of the economy is obvious. The employment opportunities that require the use of the minimum wage suit the young adults who probably are just leaving school. However, every increase of the minimum wage normally automatically leads to a lesser youth being absorbed

Friday, September 6, 2019

Capability Maturity Model Essay Example for Free

Capability Maturity Model Essay This report is split in to two parts, Part A of this report will aim to firstly define the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) and secondly critically asses the importance of the model in relation to Software Quality Management. The aim of Part B will be to first assess the benefits of gaining accreditation against the CMM for software companies, secondly explain why the CMM is important for Indian outsourcing organizations and provide examples of companies, and lastly critically evaluate the differences between the CMM and the TickIT scheme by identifying the strength and weakness of both methods. PART A 2. Capability Maturity Model (CMM) The Capability Maturity Model (CMM) was developed at Carnegie Mellon University by the software Engineering Institute (SEI) and it provides a frame work for process improvement. (8) 2. 1 Five levels of (CMM) CMM has five maturity levels that lay successive foundations for continuous process improvement. Looking at figure1 in 2. 2, we can see that each maturity level comprises a set of process goals that when satisfied, stabilize an important component at the software process. (9). The Capability maturity model is organized in to five levels. Below is a description of each one: * Initial (Level 1): At this level the software process is ad hoc and projects succeed through individual heroism. ( 8) * Repeatable (Level 2): At this level basic project management processes are established to track schedule, cost, and functionality. (9) * Defined (Level 3): At this level the software process for both management and engineering activities is documented, standardized and integrated into a standard software process for the organisation. (9) Even though the Organization has a well defined process, it does not necessarily support it with quantitative measurements. (8) * Managed (Level 4): At this level detailed measures of the software process and product quality are collected and both the software process and product are quantitatively controlled and understood. (9) * Optimizing (Level 5): At this last level the organization makes quantitative measurements of its projects and makes use of those measurements to tune the process. (8) 2. 2 Diagram of the five levels Figure 1. CMM model (2) 3. Important of the model in relation to the SQM A lot of attention has been given to improving the process of designing, developing, and delivering software applications. The Software Engineering Institutes CMM Model is designed to help us evaluate the maturity of our Software development processes. The Capability Maturity Model recognizes that there are tools and processes that, while not directly involved in the production of code, aid in the overall Software Quality Management process. (1) The CMM is now popular and has been effective in emphasizing the importance of process improvement. Process improvement is an important Total Quality Management concept and significant research has focused on the design and evolution of the software development processes with the intent to enhance their capability and maturity. The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) has developed specific models to evaluate, diagnose, and evolve the capabilities of the software development process. (4) As mentioned in 2. 1, the SEIs Capability Maturity Model (CMM) defines an evolutionary path from ad hoc, chaotic processes to mature, disciplined processes. Process maturation, as assessed by the predictability of development outcomes in terms of quality, budget, and schedules is enhanced when feedback is meaningfully generated and utilized to recalibrate and fine tune the software process design. (4) Report evidence have suggested that organizations implementing a Capability Maturity Model-based software process improvement have realized gains in development cycle time and programmer productivity. (4) However Reports also suggest that organizations face difficulties in adhering to the sequence, as recommended by CMM, in which changes to the development process needs to be implemented. (4) In conclusion lack of theory informing the conceptualization of the Capability Maturing Model stages raises questions about the rationale for the suggested sequencing to develop process capabilities. Limited attention has been devoted to define process management, identify and define its constitutive dimensions, and develop reliable and valid measurement instruments for each of these dimensions. (4) Process improvement is one aspect of Total Quality Management that needs to be integrated with other core Total Quality Management principles, such as customer focus and viewing the organization with an integrated systems perspective. These essential aspects of Total Quality Management are currently missing in the Capability Maturity Model (CMM). (4) Integrative theory development is required to understand the relationships between process management practices and other elements of the development organization, which enable or constrain effective process management. (4) Generally the Capability Maturity Model recognizes that moving from a craft approach, where performance is largely a function of individual skills, to a factory approach, where the process plays a dominant role, is necessary to improve software development performance). Many Information System developers could perceive process-based approaches such as the CMM as deskilling their job and increasing managerial control over systems development tasks. Such a change is likely to be resisted by IS developers and could be a cause for failure of these approach. (4)

Performance Measurement Paper Essay Example for Free

Performance Measurement Paper Essay In the world of business there are many cliche’s about how performance measurements are implemented and what they actually do such as â€Å"if your company doesn’t measure results then you can’t tell success from failure. † http://www. balancedscorecard. org/Home/tabid/36/Default. aspx The key focus on strategic objectives should always articulate precisely what the organization wants to accomplish which is the key to finding accurate, true, strategic measurements. The strategic performance measures will allow the organization to monitor the implementation and effectiveness of the operational efficiency. The best performance measures will provide a way to monitor and see if that strategy is actually working. Focusing on the importance of the employee’s contribution to the success of the organization is another important measure that can be added along with providing a common language for the communication of everyone. Performance measurement is so vital in the structure of an organization because it is an ongoing and constant reporting and monitoring of accomplishments. Typically the program is implemented by agency management. The different program activities are measured by this system as well. A program may be considered any project, activity, or function that has a set of objectives. The three types in which will be compared and contrasted begins with the output type of performance measures which indicates a specific workload that is processed throughout a period of time. The next type of performance type of selection is the efficiency type, which indicates the different ratio’s of the resources to work the product. The resources of this particular type are primarily considered budget dollars. The final performance measurement type that will be under contrast is the outcome type which tells the results over a period of time from work which was performed by the organization in order to benefit the people receiving the service. (EOM) or enterprise output management is a practice used in information technology dealing with the organization of data that is created for banking systems, insurance database systems, customer relationship management, as well as many others. Output distributed management is defined as middle ware that threatens to drive out the process originally supported in order to implement an auto mated one. EOM output managment could potentially reduce the cost of traditional printing because it uses digital output channel such as fax and email. The potential of this is depends on how the concept is adopted by the targeted customer group. Management information systems allow organizations to get right people the correct information at a timely and efficient manner. The efficiency type of performance management works by pulling together information. Therefore improving the products and expanding the customer base at the same time. A manger with a good management information system can eliminate redundant miscues that waste time and may instead focus on what actually works for the betterment of the organization. If an MIS is added into the equation then the amount of time saving that will benefit the organization will be tremendous because there is more time being focused on the specific task at hand. The computer program can collect data from employees much faster than the alternative time consuming method of not taking advantage of the technology. The over-all term performance management is defined as the output of employees and groups individually. The employees may be divided into groups and departments within the organization as a whole. Therefore the performances can be evaluated much more effectively by knowing what everyone’s production levels are and by gathering this information will definitely help to improve the quality of production in the organization which will lead to good things for everyone. In order for the performance management procedures to be put in place and do the job that they are needed to do there should be a performance definition done as soon as humanly possible because this knowledge will help drive the rest of the tasking in sequence for what needs to be done for the organization.