Sunday, September 22, 2019

Why Chinese communist party-led governance in China is stable and Essay

Why Chinese communist party-led governance in China is stable and sustainable - Essay Example Chinese Communist Party formed the strategy to achieve a peaceful rise after the entry of China’s economy into rapid growth period. An important role in this was played by the introduction of the Open Door Policy and the Reform in China. Times changed for better during the second half of the 20th century as the world moved from war toward peace. This very important change had a far-reaching impact on all of the world in general and on the developing countries in particular. In the present age, when development and cooperation is sought by most countries, the peaceful rise strategy of China has become consistent with the global trend. Sun Yat-sen expresses this notion in these words, â€Å"World progress is like a tidal wave. Those who ride it will prosper, and those who sail against it will perish† (Yat-sen cited in Jianmin). Chinese communist party-led governance in China is stable and sustainable because of its prudent strategies and foresightedness. Political Trends Mao’s Cultural Revolution caused the state economy to collapse. China was left in a profound identity crisis and required radical restructuring of its national character. Deng Xiaoping’s first challenge after his resumption of power in 1976 was to address this exigency with acceptable values and norms (Lu and Simons). Since 1978, the ruling Communist Party in China has directed the country’s foreign policy at development of strategic partnership with China’s old Western enemies and moved China’s economy toward capitalism.... etween the ideological strategies and fervor that worked during the yenan years, the prevailing condition of peasantry, and demands of the developing economy in China (Pradnyawati 33). â€Å"In  the  post ­Mao  Zedong  era,  the party  ideology  has  successfully  shifted  from  that  of  class struggle  to  one of  economic  development† (Zheng 13). In contrast to Mao, Xiaoping’s pragmatic leadership placed emphasis on economic development of China and relinquished mass political movements. The leadership adopted policies of economic reform at the Third Plenum in December 1978 in order to expand rural incentives and income, boost experimentation in enterprise autonomy, attract foreign direct investment, and reduce central planning. The plenum resolved to accelerate the process of legal reform. After resurgence of the conservatives resulting from military intervention in Beijing on 4 June 1989, the process of economic reform slowed do wn. It was Xiaoping’s visit to China that gave economic reform a new impetus in early 1992. At the 14th Party Congress, Xiaoping’s renewed efforts to make Chinese economy market-oriented got official sanction. Many pro-reform young leaders were rising to top positions at that time. Xiaoping made management of economy in a way that prioritized improvement of living standards in China his primary policy objective even if that required adoption of capitalist measures. Xiaoping’s economic openness policies were publicly endorsed by the Communist Party Politburo. Ever since, China has placed emphasis on economic openness. This has played a great role in China becoming the second largest economy in the contemporary world. State and society The Chinese leadership proceeded toward increasingly pragmatic positions in a variety of fields

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