Saturday, September 21, 2019

Importance of Education Essay Example for Free

Importance of Education Essay Education is the word which has the origin of latin. The original word is Educare (In Latin) which means to bring up. Education helps one to shape his/her future and It moulds the personality of an individual. Now a day’s people think that education would help them in their money making purposes. Definitely it is false view. Each one of us have different medium and of different cultural norms. However everybody is united through EDUCATION. It is quite very clear that, it mould a personal to put his knowledge in more useful things. There are many reasons Why Education is More Important? But the main basic reasons where education is more important is, It train up human minds which is incomplete without education. It shows the right path, think right and to make decisions in right time. Only throught the attainment of education, man is able to received information from his society, they are able to acquaint themself with past history. Education helps the human being in every aspects of their life. With good education of this generation government takes care in the progress in developing the country. The central and State government have announced many schemes for the children’s education, every child should receive their primary education. Now education is viewed as a vital key to success in life, and knowledge has become every individual’s aim or concern. The Eminent Scholars think that only through education one can make the country flourished. Even now many poor people believe that they can earn more by sending their wards to work. On the other hand it is a great blender. They couldn’t give basic education to their wards. Even though we have improved our literacy rate, there is a existence of uneducated persons. Every learned citizens of the country should ensure the education of the fellow citizen. We can say that a person will not be in proper sense when he is uneducated. Education is the need of an hour. It the one of the important things which differentiates the human being from the other creatures. It makes the uncivilized as civilized in their society. It brings more precisely, the perceived goal to make the individual better in the society.

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