Saturday, October 19, 2019

Coaching and Performance Improvement Analysis Essay

Coaching and Performance Improvement Analysis - Essay Example In this paper, I am going to talk about the coaching and performance improvement I have undertaken with the Production Supervisor of our organization. He had been hired three months ago after our previous supervisor left very abruptly for a competing organization with just a month’s notice. However, since he had served for five years with the organization he was allowed to leave without too much fuss. Since he had left in the middle of the year the Human Resources Department did not have much time or choice but to hire a candidate with experience from a related but different industry. It was thought that owing to the candidate’s experience, he would soon pick up the skills and knowledge about the production function but sadly he has not been able to come up to the mark after even three months on the job. Productivity is suffering and as the Training and Development Manager I had been asked to step in and give the supervisor the required coaching so as to improve his und erstanding of the skills needed in the textile business (he has come in from the engineering sector and had been overseeing the production of motorcycle parts) as the situation is a little different here. Although he does have the required level of interest and understanding, he is a little apprehensive about taking charge of the workers who are aware of his inexperience in the textile sector and sometimes exploit this situation to their advantage. To cover his lack of skills he has developed an authoritative attitude which does not settle well with the older and more experienced staff. Analysis of the Root Causes of His Production Deficiency After a close observation and personality analysis of the Production Supervisor I have come to the conclusion that he just needs a little coaching to come up to the expectations of management regarding the task assigned to him. Although it seems that he is in the wrong industry, I am confident from what I have observed about him that he can soo n come up to the requirements of the job even though the industry he represented in the past is far removed from this present one. The basic requirements of managing the production process are to schedule the production process in terms of orders placed and deliveries to be made or shipments to be affected as per schedule is already known in advance. Although his lack of skills and knowledge is evident for the time being in this industry, the real issue is that he is trying to compensate by being authoritative and a perfectionist, afraid of taking a wrong step and not knowing fully about the alternatives available to him. He is frustrated because his efforts to take charge are not being appreciated by the older and more experienced employees under his control, as they were used to managing the function with a minimum of interference. However in his zest to contribute, he likes to be seen as doing something most of the time. There is no lack of motivation, but one can see that his me thods to take charge are not working with some staff. I could have intervened directly with the staff on his behalf, but would rather he do it himself.

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