Friday, October 18, 2019

Ethics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ethics - Research Paper Example Research ethics can be defined as the application of basic ethical principles to the subject of study. It includes designing and implementation of the research, human trialing, experimentation on animals, and various other aspects of research. It is also very much crucial to consider the ethical codes prior to carry out the task of research design for data collection. Generally there are three objectives in a research ethics they are protecting the participants, conducting the research in such a way that it serves the purpose of the society on a whole and finally to ensure that research actions are ethically sound. However in the context of social and behavioral research there are many incidents where we find there is a lack of ethical soundness in the research. History of Ethical Principles in Research The Nuremberg trial addressed the experimentation of human being in the context of patient’s right and protection of the human subjects. The code includes:- a) Researches that are based on human must be trialed on animals. b) Risks should be according to the perceived benefits. c) The researches that are based on humans must be carried out by qualified research. ... Belmont Report The Belmont report was developed by ‘National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research’. It was issued during the year 1979 (â€Å"The Belmont Report†). The report summarizes the primary ethical principles and guidelines that should help in the process of determining the ethical issues. The report is divided into two sections namely 1) Limitations between research and practice. 2) Fundamental ethical principles. Regulations and Social and Behavioral Sciences A research review committee is an Institutional Review Board (IRB) must make certain that human research subject needs to be protected. Therefore the questions that should be asked are:- Is the subject of study reasonable? Whether the risks are minimized or not? Whether the risks are justified according to the benefits? Is there a map to control and monitor the security and safety of the subject of study? Assessing Risk in Social and Behavioral Scienc e There are many associated risks with the study of social and behavioral science. Therefore some of the possible risks could be violation of confidentiality, breach of the procedure of study, inaccurate predictions and also the gauged result. However the risks are actually psychological, social, economical and sometimes physical. Informed Consent The participants of the research study must be given sufficient information regarding the study so that they can decide whether to take part or not. They should be informed because the research needs continuous involvement of the participants. Privacy and Confidentiality Any psychological or behavioral research needs high privacy as it mostly deals with secret matters. Moreover discretion and solitude is an important factor in research (Dantzker and

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