Saturday, August 31, 2019

Adaptive Physical Education by Steven Symes

Adaptive Physical Education Games By Steven Symes, eHow Contributor Children with disabilities may not be able to participate to the fullest extent in a regular physical education class. Modified activities for children with disabilities can be employed either in a class with children who have no limitations or in a class composed entirely or students with disabilities. 1. Soccer * Soccer fields cover large areas, so decrease the size of the field to reduce the amount of movement required to play the game. If necessary, restrict running so players can participate by walking. Children who use a wheelchair can hold the ball on their laps while they move around the soccer field. Instead of using the traditional soccer ball, use a Nerf ball or other soft material ball to reduce the risk of injury. For children that have visual impairments, use goals that have an element that makes noise when the ball hits it, such as a bell. Basketball * Instead of using the traditional basketball, use different-size balls to make gripping the ball easier. Allow for two-handed dribble so students can maintain control of the ball. An adjustable basketball stand is helpful so the basket can be lowered when the students are first learning how to play the game. Also use larger basketball hoops to make scoring easier. A motion-activated beeper attached to the underside of the basketball hoop will help students with visual impairments know when to shoot the ball. Tennis * Use larger balls that do not fly as quickly through the air to slow down the game play. Remove the center net so students are able to play without constant interruption. Consider using a tee for students to serve the ball from. Allow disabled students to play in pairs with other students who assist in playing the game. For visually impaired students, brightly colored balls help them see the ball. Softball * Instead of traditional softballs and mitts, use balls and mitts with Velcro attached to them. Also use a bat that is larger than the traditional-size bat, making it easier for students to hit the ball. Shrink the size of the diamond so students do not need to run as far to the bases. For students in wheelchairs, use a tee instead of pitching the ball. Consider using balls that have built-in beepers to assist students with visual impairments. * ALEX Resume/CV Parsingwww. hireability. com/ALEX/ale HireAbility is the most accurate & fastest! Fully hosted. Simple setup * The Perfect Golf Swing? 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Use a larger net size and consider lowering the height of the goal. Change the rules, such as to allow traveling or two-handed dribbling. Slow the pace and timing down. Students who use wheelchairs can either dribble from the chair with peers pushing the wheelchair—or allow them to carrying the ball in their lap as they hand-wheel down the court. Visually impaired students would benefit from an audio prompt such as a beeper ball or audio sound at the basket. Softball * Developmental delays will require you to modify the equipment used for students. Use Velcro balls and mitts to allow better success at catching a ball. Increase or decrease the size of the bats for better accuracy at hitting. Batting tees will increase the chance of making contact with the ball, especially in the early stages of learning the game. Scale back the size of the playing field and the distance between bases. Peer partner students, which increases success but is also beneficial for student awareness and understanding of disabilities. Changes rules such as tag-outs and increase the number of hitting attempts. Everyone-runs Kickball * Running, no matter your skill or speed, is a great cardio-workout. This version of kickball is fun for all students. The kicking team selects one person to kick and everyone on the team runs to the bases. The game can be scored one of two ways, either when the entire team crosses the home base or the traditional way of scoring each run before receiving three outs. The fielding team must get the ball and pass it to each and every team member and finally to the pitcher. Play stops when pitcher has the ball. Students can be peer partnered for running, fielding and pitching. References * PE Central: Adapted Physical Education * PE Central: Adapted Activities/Basketball * PE Central: Adapted Activities/Softball Resources * Heartland Area Education Agency: Adapted PE

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