Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Nurses' Use of Water-Filled Gloves in Preventing Heel Pressure Essay

Nurses' Use of Water-Filled Gloves in Preventing Heel Pressure Ulcer in the University college hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria - Essay Example The interpretations considers the limitations cited by the researcher. When pick samples data organization was considered. â€Å"†¦ two units and who met the inclusion criteria constitute the study participants† (Polit & Beck, 2014, p. 473) The evidence given was the numeric data collected from the pick sample. The participant in the sample provided a rigid support for the results.† †¦have never used it in spite of its availability and common use as submitted bya nurse in one of the wards† (Adejumo &Ingwu, 2010 P. 474) The findings from the study were explained in light of other previous studies. â€Å"This is in support of Watson (19), who maintained that unless a nurse learns from experience, the learning is not good (Adejumo &Ingwu, 2010 p.476) In some instances, the researchers made some indefensible spontaneous inferences. â€Å"†¦ which does not make it scientific and as such lacks basis for clinical decision making.† (Adejumo &Ingwu, 2010 p.476) The rationales for rejecting alternatives were defective in that research involves search of information from a variety of sources.† In hypothesis testing, researchers assume that the null hypothesis is true and then gather evidence to disprove it.† (Polit & Beck, 2014, P. 230) The interpretation accounted for precision of the results. â€Å"In our study, the probability of obtaining a value of 71.0% female by chance alone was less than 1 in 10,000.† (Polit & Beck, 2014, p.230) The researchers pointed out the differences between practical and statistical significance. â€Å"†¦they are not well-suited for testing actual research hypotheses about the absence of relationships between variables or about equivalence between groups.† (Polit & Beck, 2014, P. 258) Some unwarranted generalization was evident in the results of the research. â€Å"Although it is difficult to depend on the rating of nurses based simply on their perception, success or failure of WFGs in prevention of heel PUs is difficult to

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