Thursday, August 8, 2019

OOP Features Added to Oracle Database Assignment

OOP Features Added to Oracle Database - Assignment Example OOP Features Added to Oracle Database All programming languages and particularly database programming languages need to be comprehensively stable and dynamic in adapting to ever changing developmental environments. Like any other programming language SQL*Plus has shown a lot of flexibility and strength to adapt to the features of Object Oriented Programming while keeping its own shape in tact and without losing the core strength of being an ideal structured query language. In the early 1990 the Object Oriented Programming model begin to gain accelerated acceptance as a major programming approach and most of the database and programming languages begin to extend features that support this model. The approach of extending SQL *Plus for Oracle Database was centered around the efforts to find ways and mean which can provide an integrated support for the objects, object identifiers and inheritance structures within relational language. The approach was followed rigorously but until the release and shipment of SQL3, the extensions of OOP model were not quite mature. The efforts of finding a better integration between OOP model and structured relational languages continued, â€Å"Another approach in this the category is an extension of a conventional SQL that is used to retrieve and manipulate data. For example POSTGRES (Stonebraker, 1986) provides an extended SQL called POSTQUEL query with the ability to capture the concept of abstract data types (encapsulated data structures and methods), inheritance structures and object identity. † (Wenny, Annier & Pardede , 2005, p. 17).... † (Wenny, Annier & Pardede , 2005, p. 17). a) Object-Relational Methodology The extension of object oriented features in relational languages is commonly referred as the object-relational model. â€Å"A Persistence Layer connecting objects in an object-oriented system to data stored in a relational database†. (Object-Relational, 2012). The term, object - relational is not limited to the study of OOP features that can be mapped to SQL rather this section will focus the object - relational model as whole. b) Mapping Objects and Tables Objects are the core constructs of object oriented modeling, therefore, object-relational modeling for Oracle DBMS will require the definition of objects and methods to handle them. The objects will then be converted object tables (relations). So, this provides the basis on which we can formulate our object-relational for Oracle DBMS. However, it must be noted that this model does not necessarily require each object translated into a correspo nding object table in SQL because, there can be alternatives to this approach. For an example, a solution may be designed on the object - relational model which may use SQL views (instead of tables) to simulate objects. Therefore, two possible strategies to accomplish the object-relational modeling includes the creation of object tables directly from the objects defined in OOP model, alternatively the object-relational model can also be built upon an existing relational database by defining SQL *Plus Views in terms of objects. c) Mapping Objects Types and Data Types Secondly the object types of an object oriented model can be utilized to define the user

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