Saturday, August 17, 2019

Gatsby and Ebb Comparison

The portrayals of Barrett Browning and Fitzgerald explore the preferences of idealized love and time throughout both texts with the use of symbolism, imagery, irony and characterization to emphasis these differences. The Great Gatsby set during the Jazz age is an exemplification of the failure and tragedy of the American Dream as well as the fragmented world where love struggles to survive.This contrasted to Elizabeth Barrett Borrowing's love sonnets set in the wake of the Romantics, making the sonnets in many ways typically Victorian with their tone of gloom and sorrow as well as their feeling of the force and Intensity of their passion as the love grows and develops. Time wealth The Great Gatsby exposes how Gatsby Is trying to reincarnate the past by showing to Daisy that he has created an affluent life for himself, thus hoping she will be with him in the future.This illusion creates a sense of irony in the story because Gatsby who has the money to possess and attract anything or a nyone, cannot have or buy the thing he most wants and desires; his past love for Daisy. Gatsby nostalgia for his old self and the love that is symbolized is like Fitzgerald portrait of America's nostalgia for its lost values. Like Gatsby, America seems to have everything in the midst of the blooming ass's, but has lost something along the process. Even in the midst of Gatsby corrupt world there Lies a hope in his love for Daisy.This hope Is symbolized by the green light situated at the end of the wharf In front of Delays house at East Egg. This light reminds Gatsby that he Is close to having his dream come true, the dream he so desperately longs for â€Å"†¦ He stretched out his arms toward the dark water in a curious way†¦ L could have sworn he was trembling. Involuntarily I glanced seaward – and distinguished nothing except a single green eight, minute and far away†, even though he doesn't have Daisy yet, this green light provides reassurance and hope that he is close to having her in the future.This continuous hope of the past being reincarnated for Gatsby started to seem like it was finally underway with the melancholic tone that the novel resurfaces during Gatsby and Daisy's reunion at Nick's house. We are shown through Gatsby melancholic longing his expression painted on his face â€Å"as pale as death† which symbolizes not only the sense of nervousness but also the relief of finally reaching the longed for moment of being with Daisy. The tragedy of Gatsby is that he Is being illusion because Daisy who was â€Å"the first nice girl he had ever met† changed Into a â€Å"materialistic, vacuous Individual who cannot see past herself.This change In characterization triggers the reality that Gatsby dream will never come true no matter now much en nope It wall It Is snow tongue ten novel ten D dream which is never fulfilled and instead he dies for it with the instant bullet which ends it all. Whilst a bullet ends a dream in The Great Gatsby, in the sonnet sequence Elizabeth focuses on the internal, everlasting love between herself and her over which goes beyond the temporal and beyond death. The dynamic nature of her context through her allusions tells us about her world.The nature and power of her love allows her to transcend her society; she can leave the patriarchal oppression of her past behind as well as escape the curtailment of her world because the love is complete. Elizabeth has had a depressing past life and her lover is seen as her rescuer. When they fell in love a sense of restoration is felt by the love they share which brings forth religious beliefs and acts. Elizabeth wants to eliminate the why ND the how and leave the love they share as something that simply is. But love me for love's sake, that evermore Thou mast love on, through love's eternity', symbolizes in sonnet XIV, the hope that the love they have is going to be everlasting â€Å"through love's eternity' – going beyo nd mortality Juxtaposed to The Great Gatsby where the dream of being loved again ends all to suddenly with a bullet. We can see from this sonnet Elizabeth already knows that the love they share is so strong that it will beat all odds and last forever.Throughout all of Elizabethan sonnets we come to realization hat the love she is experiencing has the power of an earthbound love which is everlasting, this is specifically shown in sonnet XII â€Å"face to face, silent drawing nigh and Niger, until the lengthening wings break into fire, At either curved point†¦ What bitter wrong, can the earth do to us, that we should not be there contented†, which symbolizes that their love is so strong that even after death they will meet again in heaven.This shows that through time their love will only grow and develop and she is hoping that even after death there love will become stronger than ever. Within this Monet she also uses imagery when imagining their relationship after morality because she feels that it will continue. Elizabethan final sonnet, COLI, expresses her final declaration of the everlasting, unconditional love she is experiencing â€Å"†¦ L shall but love thee better after my death†.Even after death she is going to love her lover more profoundly, consequently from this it is shown that through time the love her and her lover share will go beyond the temporal and against all odds. In contrast with The Great Gatsby where Gatsby dream to re-incarnate the past so that he can e with the one he loves is essentially Just an illusion which ends with a bullet, the sonnets by Elizabeth Barrett Browning articulates the unconditional transcendent nature of love which is everlasting and goes beyond mortality; where the love between Elizabeth and her lover will continue to grow.Idealized love in The Great Gatsby is oppressive and destructive. Through the narration of Nick Caraway we are exposed to a post WWW new world which is faithless, loveless a nd careless, thus making idealized love difficult to survive. Gatsby infatuation of Daisy as the ultimate commodity is seen as his goal from which he tries to draw closer to. The type of love that is shown from Gatsby towards Daisy is the obsessive but pure love which becomes something too special to survive in a world that lacks moral purpose.Gatsby bases his love on the relationship he had with Daisy years before. It was Gatsby who was â€Å"breathless† and saw her gleaming Like silver, sate Ana proud above ten not struggles AT ten poor† I Nils Imagery Tanat Gatsby uses to describe Daisy shows how deeply in love he was with her even though he knew that he wasn't rich and that it was obvious that she came from an affluent background.In order to be closer to Daisy, Gatsby buys a mansion across Daisy symbolizing the need for him to be close to her as well as the parties he arranges at his house which are illuminated with lights. These lights attract the â€Å"moths† who are Gatsby party guests but are created initially to attract Daisy to his house, thus hopefully emerging her closer to him so that their love can grow and Gatsby dream become fulfilled. However the barriers separating them from being together can also be symbolized by the love and the classification of the two villages.While Daisy lives in the East which was associated with the extravagance living which offered opportunities, Gatsby lived in the West which stood for traditional values such as solidity. These barriers added to the factors of why Gatsby could only â€Å"dream† of having Daisy because life interfered with their love. This pure love that once blossomed can't be recaptured again in the present and though Gatsby pursues his grail the moment is gone.Gatsby hope of being with Daisy the one who he truly loves and infatuates over dies with him. In The Great Gatsby , idealized love becomes an essence of destruction and delusion, this is partly due to it attemptin g to arrive in the fragmented post war America Juxtaposed with the sonnets by Elizabeth Barrett Browning where idealized love flourishes through its power to be transcendent and restorative. Idealized love is represented in a deep meaningful way in Elizabeth Barrett Borrowings sonnets.Through the persona of Elizabeth it is shown how love is powerful, it transformed her life, giving her new hope. The â€Å"silver ring† symbolizes that things are getting better; this is shown by the sense of restoration that their love has brought to her life. The love shown between Elizabeth and her lover is not terrestrials; it is idealistic love. Elizabeth states in sonnet XIV that she wants her lover to love her for the sake of love,† If thou must love me, let it be for enough Except for love's sake only'.Juxtaposition to The Great Gatsby where Gatsby had to modify his life in order to try and get Daisy to love him again, Elizabeth spiritually believes their love is pure and of transc endence; she doesn't want anything other than their pure love. Through this we see that the characteristics of the Victorian era in terms of qualities is something Elizabeth disregards. She believes that idealized love should e on the basis of feelings instead of traits as they can change.The last sonnet shows that their love must be enjoyed within all the dimensions of physical passion and the strength of that physical passion adds a spiritual dimension. Earthly love is aligned with spiritual fulfillment â€Å"How do I love thee? Let me count the ways†¦ † Explores all the dimensions of their love due to it being measured by the breadth, width and depth – they must be vast. If love is sublime in the sonnet sequence, we can conclude that it is tawdry in The Great Gatsby. In conclusion time and idealized love is shown to be analyses differently between Borrowings and Fitzgerald portrayals.Time shows how Gatsby tries to re-incarnate the past by showing to Daisy that he has changed himself so that hopefully their â€Å"love† can Dollops once again UT D tens Illusion ones when Gatsby ales Wendell In ten sonnets the love that is shared between Elizabeth and her lover is restorative and transcendent and goes beyond death where it will continue to grow. Love is shown by both texts to be powerful and necessary for fulfillment. Elizabeth Barrett Browning suggests that love is not only possible but necessary whereas Fitzgerald sees that love may be necessary but is not possible.

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